Chapter-11 (Mystery)

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That night, I couldn't sleep. So I just sat by the window and stared at the night sky full of sparkling stars.

Am I on the other part of world or just the world same with where my real family is?

I feel so lonely. I feel like everything aren't right.

Can I suicide...?

I stepped on the window pane and took a deep breath.

Will everything stop if I step further away from this pane?

Will it be alright if I die?

Then I felt that a hand grabbed me.

Thats is my father, Mr.Clover.

“Maria! Are you crazy?! What are you doing?!!” he shouted.

I feel glad that there is someone who cares about me.

Wait! Am I feeling everything all behalf of Maria?

“I...” I have nothing to say so I stopped.

My father sighed.

“You will have to stay with bodyguards from now on. So that you won't do meaningless things.” he sighed and left.

              The next day

My head became clearer as I woke up. Today is the day to give the invitation cards of the wedding. I have to get myself ready to catch up my fiance.

Part of me is feeling happy but it is sure that from Maria's part of the body.

Mine...? I can't say exactly but...I am always wondering that .... if Felix is doing okay...

On the carriage with Cameron, it is so awkward!
I coughed.
“Ah...why are you staying silent?” I finally asked.

“Either you too” he replied with a poker face.

“Well because of you are missing your sweetheart, Ella?” I sarcastically said.

“Let's not talk about it, Maria he sighed.

Hmm..this was supposed to be a joke but why is he being weird when I say about Ella.

There must be something really big between them.

We went to several noble families mansions.

And its almost evening. Both of us are so tired so we are taking a break at a town's cafeteria.

“What do you want madam and mister” the waiter asked.

“Can I get chocolate smoothie?” I asked without thinking.

“Pardon Miss, what do you mean...?” the waiter seemed shocked.

Oh! I forgot that I am in ancient time. :<

“Nevermind just give me tea” I exhaustedly answered.

Cameron was stunned for a while looking at me.

“Sir, what about you?” the waiter interrupted.

“Oh! Um...Give me coffee and cake” he said.

“Yes. Thank you sir and miss” saying that, the waiter left.

“Seriously Maria? Chocolate smoothie? Is there any word like that? Whats wrong with you these day?” he said.

“I am just being tired so forget about that.” I sighed.

Holly, you fool. Why are you being so careless!

“You know what you usually don't like tea” he siad with serious face.

“Yeah...I...kinda drink that now.” I didn't know what to say so I just said like that.

“Are you for real? Sometimes I feel like you are a different person.” he said.

After drinking, we kept on going the mansions and gave the invitation cards and had a little boring chats.

Finally, its time to go home.

The carriage sent me first then Cameron.

That night I slept so well as I felt tired.

I almost forget about Felix.

What did he mean by “See you again” .

There is no more reason for us to see or if I am not wrong, is he also planning secretly something like my dad and the king and Mr.Leos planning.

Saying of that, I don't even know what are they planning.

Will there be war again?...

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