Chapter-9 (Pains had enough)

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Now, I am in my bedroom again. The place my soul arrive in Maria Clover's body.

I couldn't believe how he traded me with the kingdom.

Also, I wanted to know about Maria is the king's daughter (princess)

             {Knock knock}

“Come in!” I shouted.

A tall old man with graceful feature came into my room.
It is the King George.

I quickly stood up and bored him to greet and then he looked at me with sorrow.

“Maria...are you okay?” he asked.

“Yes, your majesty. And...thank you for saving me...I...I am very sorry that you have to sacrifice the kingdom just to save me. You know, you didn't have to...” I said, hopefully thinking he will explain.

“Its time for you to know all about the truth, Maria.” he asked and sat beside me.

“You are my daughter actually...I am sorry for keeping this a secret for you so long.” he continued.

“WHAT! SO...I AM NOT FROM CLOVER FAMILY??! But...why did you secrifice me! I am not worthy right?” I shouted and tears falling down.

I don't know but I feel like I am not myself. Maria's soul is overcovering my conscious now.

Anyway I will let this feeling play alone. Even if Maria's seoul and feelings are overcovering, this is her own body.

“This...was my fault, sweetheart. Harry Clover is my bestfriend and he was just helping me to look after you and we have to thank him” he said.

Thank him? Haha! Why should I? He didn't even care about me. But its better than you, father. At least he didn't sacrifice me.

I just said that in my head. I stay silent.

“Now, I bought a villa near the castle and I am living there but you will have to pretend still Maria Clover. I will tell all about it when its right time.” he sighed.

“Right time? When is it?” I asked painfully.

“After successing our backup plan” he answered.

“The back up plan? For what?” I asked then.

“To get back my kingdom. Maria, don't look down to your father. I would never do if I don't have any plans B. Haha! The stupid dragon king is in my trap now.” he laughed.

“Oh! Don't forget to come to Leos family mansion tonight to discuss about my plan B, dear. Your fiance, Cameron will be also there.” he smiled and left.

Did he also use me to destroy the Dragon King?

I laughed clamsily.

At least I am not worth for everyone. Hahaha! I am just...a useful thing for them..

Then I cried.

I am crazy right? I can't help why I am being like this. I feel like I am Maria Clover myself...

That night,

I wore the most prettiest evening dress from the closet and use the most expensive perfume.

And then got on the coach with folks of maid behind me.

At Leos family's mansion,

My real father and fake father are sitting together with Mr.Leos and young master, Cameron Leos.

And guess what who is also there! Ella Ann!

Seeing her makes me feel hate and jealous but if I am Holly, I wouldn't.

Does my guess was right?!

I am becoming Maria Clover myself...?

So...that means...I can't never go back to my real life if Maria's soul is overcovering my conscious! I will turn into her if that does last long!

To break that, I have to be myself! So I need to befriend with her greatest enemy, Ella.

I smiled confidently and walked into the meeting room with the shiny golden dress with sparkeling diamond flower crown on my hair.

Cameron looked at me with amazed voice and Ella was just staring.


After discussing, I was ready to go back on my coach but someone called me.

“Maria! Wait!”

It was Cameron Leos.

My inner feeling was happy but I tried not to express that.

“What?” I asked coldly.

“I...I am sorry about making you embarrassed that day.” he said and he seemed nervous.

“Oh about that?” Apology can't change anything I answered simply.

He stayed quiet for a while looking head to toe me.

“Maria, you have changed a lot.”

Yes, I am. You don't know that the person I love traded me with the kingdom and my real father is using me!

It made me feel more stronger and focusing my work to get my real life back.

Thanks to my dear Knight Felix, I become more mature now.

“I would never forget that.”

I said in my mind painfully.

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