Chapter 19: Dumbledore's Howler

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Sirius POV:

After receiving the letter from Harry, I figured I would quickly respond and send my letter back with Hedwig. She flew in and I gave her a treat while I rushed to write my letter.


Give my congratulations to Ron and Ginny for making the team! Quidditch captain suits you. Winter break will be coming soon, so don't fret. Moony is doing fine, he comes to visit once in a while and so do the members of the order, but not for anything important. If I remember well enough, Hogsmeade trips are coming up, so be careful. Stay close to those three, and watch out. I'll make sure to let you know if anything really interesting happens, but as of right now, waiting is the only thing we can do. Can't wait to see you all.


I sealed my letter and wrapped it onto Hedwig's leg before she took off. Not even a minute after she took off, a red sealed envelope appeared. Who on earth would send me a howler? I didn't know the owl either, so I just carefully opened the red envelope.

"Sirius," Dumbledore's voice whispered.

"I had to send a howler because of the circumstances, as I have to tell you some information that might seem suspicious to the ministry, or others who may read a letter," Dumbledores voice said.

"You are to be trusted Sirius, and Harry most definitely trusts you over many people, maybe except me, that is why, there will come a time when he will say that he's not allowed to tell you or anyone anything, though he will want to." Dumbledore started.

"Not soon, but approximately around the time, he finishes 6th year, or before his 7th. Before this time, he will not know this information, so he won't be able to tell you, but when he rejects telling you, you will tell him that you have permission from me, and listen to me when I say that only you may know this information. I will soon talk to you in person, maybe sometime after the holidays, but as for now, you need to hold on to what I have told you. I hope you will have patience with me until I, myself, figure this out, and when I do, your godson will tell you about it. I will organize a day after the holidays with you to further continue this conversation, but as for now, Happy almost Halloween, and please refrain from responding." Dumbledore finished, and the envelope shredded up and fell on the table.

I was losing my mind. What would he need to figure out? Why could he not tell me himself? What was going to happen? Why did he have to wait until after the holidays? Uh. Dumbledore. Always the wise one with patience.

I was not known for my patience, I was known for my figuring things out and then acting surprised when they told me, but how could I figure this out? 

I stared at the red shreds on the table. Why did Dumbledore have to be so mysterious? Why couldn't he just tell more people? Maybe we could help. Maybe I could help! But I have to wait until Harry tells me. At the end of the school year. Just great. What could it possibly be about? Something to defeat Voldemort of course. Right? Obviously. But that wasn't for sure. What if it was something else? But what would it be? It was something like the prophecy, but different. Dumbledore just probably found out about it but isn't sure and wants to wait. Fine whatever. It didn't matter anyway.

Sleep was calling, so I made my way to my bedroom and fell asleep quite quickly if I do say so myself. I didn't even know what time it was or what was happening, until I made my way downstairs once again, after waking up, to see the shredded-up red envelope, and remembering everything that happened yesterday.

"Sirius?" A voice called.

I pulled out my wand, but it was just Remus staring at me.

"Merlin." I breathed.

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