Chapter 28: Christmas Eve and The Half-Blood Prince

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THE KNIGHT BUS- John Williams


It was Christmas Eve and most of us were in the living room eating treats and listening to Mrs. Weasley's favorite singer, Celestina Warbeck. Well, Mrs. Weasley was practically the only one listening. Fred and George were playing exploding snap as Sirius was watching them amusingly. Fleur, who had arrived just a day or two ago was waiting for the song A Cauldron Full of Hot Strong Love to finish playing because she didn't like it one bit, and Mr. Weasley was quietly apologizing to me on Mrs. Weasley's behalf, but I just gave him a warm smile.

Everyone soon started doing their own thing again as Mrs. Weasley bustled towards the kitchen and Fleur muttering something about "gett-zing to know zee family." Ginny started calling her Phelgm behind her back, which was- I must admit funny, but Fleur wasn't that bad. I knew her from my fourth year when she was in the horrendous Triwizard Tournament with me. I soon decided to engage in conversation with Remus or Sirius or maybe even Tonks as she just walked in from the kitchen with a mug of something hot in her hands.

We were all glad Tonks and Remus were back on speaking terms, but Sirius kept glancing at them suspiciously, so I knew whatever had happened wasn't over. It had merely just paused for a holiday break. I knew I should probably let Remus know what I saw, no matter what he said after. Tonks too. After all, she is an auror, right? This is her very own specialty.

"Draco's plotting something, I know it, something to do with Voldemort." I started, after telling them the entire story with Sirius and Ron nearby.

"He's been given a task or a mission- and Snape was offering to help." I continued.

"Voldemort has chosen Draco Malfoy for a mission?" Remus asked, looking towards Sirius and me.

"Look, I know it sounds mad-" I started, but was interrupted.

"Has it occurred to you, Harry, that Snape was simply pretending to offer Draco help so that he could find out what he's up to?" Remus asked hastily.

Sirius scoffed but I wasn't going to give up.

"That's not what it sounded like," I stated.

"Perhaps Harry's right, Remus. To make an Unbreakable Vow, after all-" Tonks started, but was also interrupted.

"It comes down to whether or not you trust Dumbledore's judgment. He trusts Snape. Therefore, I do." Remus said confidently.

"I don't agree," Sirius started, glaring at Remus.

"I can trust Dumbledore. Not Snape. How does that work, Remus?! Do they both come in a package?" Sirius snapped at him.

"I told you, I trust Dumbledore, he trusts Snape. It's simple." He retorted.

"But Dumbledore can make mistakes." I started.

"He's said it himself-" I started again, but was interrupted.

"You're blinded by hatred," Remus exclaimed.

"I'm not-"

"You are!" Remus exclaimed sharply.

"People are disappearing, Harry. Daily. We can only put our trust in a handful of people. If we start fighting amongst ourselves, we're doomed." Remus said calming down slightly.

Tonks gave me a look and Sirius looked like he wanted to say something, but he slowly eased back into his chair and stared blankly into nowhere. We all sat in silence for a few minutes, before Sirius got up and motioned for me to follow him. Remus eyed us curiously but said nothing as I followed Sirius up the stairs of the burrow. He walked up to mine and Ron's room and we both entered it.

"Highest room away from everyone," He explained, referring to the choice of room.

"You'll have to forgive Remus," He started.

"It's the 24th which is close to the end of the month, and that's never a good sign," He continued.

"Sirius-" I said, suddenly remembering something.

"Wait- while I still have you here- I need to show you something," I said, quickly rushing to my trunk and rummaging through it until I found my potions book.

"Have you ever heard of the half-blood prince?" I said turning around and showing him the front page of the book where it said "Property of the half-blood prince."

"What- No?" He questioned, carefully taking the book and looking through it.

"The handwriting seems familiar though," He said, flipping through the pages.

"Whoever it was had a knack for potions because I'm Slughorn's favorite because of the-" I started but stopped once I saw Sirius's eyes widen and heard him gasp.

I was about to ask him what he had seen, but then he frantically started searching through the book and examining the sides where most of the notes were. He looked focused and concentrated on finding something, but I didn't ask what. He suddenly stopped on a page and stared at a spot for a few seconds, before he cleared his throat and slowly shut the book, turning his attention to me.

"Harry, did you say that you're Slughorn's favorite?" He asked me.

"Yes, but-" I started but was interrupted for the twentieth time today.

"So that means Hermione isn't top of her class anymore?" Sirius questioned me.

"Yes?" I replied in a question.

"But she was top of her class before Slughorn came along?" He asked.

"Well, yes," I replied.

There was silence for a moment until he spoke again.

"Moment of truth." Sirius sighed.

"How did Snape teach your lessons, Harry?" Sirius asked, on the brink of some type of discovery.

"I- On the-" I stopped to think.

Now that I thought about it, Snape would never make us use our books to brew potions. He would always write down the instructions on the chalkboard. Hermione was practically the only one who would follow them precisely and correctly, so that's why she was at the top of our class. As soon as Snape stopped teaching potions, Hermione was suddenly not doing as well in potions, but who was? The boy who took finally took instructions from Snape- but through a book which he had modified and written in.

"He would write out the instructions. We never used our books," I replied in a soft tone, astonished at this new information.

"So he's the half-blood prince?" I asked curiously.

"I'm not exactly sure." Sirius started.

"I mean- it's not confirmed." He added.

"He created all of the spells and curses in this book for sure, because I for one used some of them, and as did he and your dad." Sirius continued.

"He CREATED?" I asked, astonished.

"Yes, they were pretty popular in our sixth and seventh years at Hogwarts." He replied carefully but with a smirk.

"I wouldn't advise you to use them regularly though. Most of them won't come in handy- and they'll get you into trouble if you're not careful." He continued.

Trouble. Huh. As I've said once before, I don't go looking for trouble.

Trouble usually finds me.

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