Chapter 16 - Something Cutesy (Part 2)

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Edited by punkashellcat

When you imagine lemonade stands, you imagine those little makeshift stands that little girls make on the sidewalk and sell cups of lemonade for fifty cents at most. They're cute little girls with cute little ideas of making some money with a lemonade stand on the side of the street when it's hot outside.

You certainly don't imagine a seventeen year old boy in a thin white t-shirt and dark wash jeans leaning against the fence next to the a sign advertising lemonade.

Strolling out of the house with my hands casually in my pockets, I made my way over to where Luke was standing, looking completely bored with life. He still managed to look drop dead gorgeous in this heat though. I have no idea how but there he was looking hotter than I felt right now...because of the temperature, it was hot outside.

"Hey," I greeted with a grin and Luke stood up straighter and ran a hand through his hair when he saw me.  It made it stick up messily but looked so cute at the same time. Before he could say anything in return I gave him the punch line. "Got any grapes?"

The giggles bubbled up from within my chest when his signature smirk dropped and his lips pressed into a thin  line. Luke opened his mouth but closed it again and shook his head at me. "Nice Kitten, nice. Are you saying that you're a duck now?" He asked in return and before I could stop myself, out came the word vomit.

"If it sounds like a duck and it walks like a duck, it could just be a dragon doing a duck impression," I blurted, cringing afterwards when Luke burst into confused laughter.

"I'm not as random as you think I salad," I told him, raising my hands up by my shoulders in defense. Luke gave me this weird look before he chuckled again.

"Wow Kitten, you're weirder than I remember," Luke remarked but I just shrugged at him.

"It gets worse everyday I spend with you," I retorted with a grin and Luke raised his eyebrows at me with a slow nod.

"Anything else you want to do with me Kitten?" Luke asked, taking a step closer and his mouth curving into that flirtatious smirk. I didn't blush like he was implying something which he most definitely was. I was actually getting the hang of keeping my blushes at bay around him.

With a discrete, deep breath, I bit my lip and took another step towards him so we were only a few inches apart now. I had to crane my head back so I could look into his eyes but seeing the surprise in them was definitely worth it. Tilting my head just slightly to the side, I let my own attempt at a flirtatious smile slip onto my lips.

"Maybe there is," I purred, so soft it was almost a whisper. It was actually only because I was so nervous that I would mess up I was afraid to speak any louder. Luke's eyes widened in surprise but he recovered quickly and placed a hand gently on my waist carefully, like he was afraid I would pull away. Holding back laughter, I leaned up on my tip toes and whispered into to his ear. "Order a pizza."

I pulled back and let the laughter pour from my lips at Luke's shocked expression. It was kind of adorable actually. His lips were slightly parted, his eyebrows were raised and those chocolate brown eyes were wide. It didn't last long though. In a second, Luke's smirk was back and he pulled me close to his chest.

"If you're gonna try and tease me Kitten," Luke muttered, ducking his head down so his hot breath trailed along my neck, making a shiver tingle down my spine. Luke hands rubbed a soft circles on my waist with his thumbs. I couldn't find the strength in me to pull away from him, I guess I kind of didn't want to even though I probably should have. There was a zoo running rampant in my stomach and when his lips brushed against the shell of my ear, my brain went all fuzzy and I couldn't even form a proper thought. I could stand there and just inhale that cologne for days. Not that I sniffed him or anything, that would be weird even for me. He just smelled so damn delicious, all spices and manly and- what was I doing here again?

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