Chapter 21 - The Dance

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I remember the time when I used to hate Shauna coming over and trying to get me all dressed up for a dance that I really wasn't bothered with. Such good memories.

It feels like it was only a few weeks ago that Shauna was coercing me into coming shopping for a dress for this dance. I hated every single dress that she picked out for me. I just wanted to wear jeans and a over-sized hoodie. Eventually, Shauna just picked a dress and tricked me into paying for it. Literally. She slipped it in the middle of a big pile of clothes and the cashier had scanned it and put it in the bag before I had even realised.

Oh wait. It was only a few weeks ago.

It seems like it had been months because of everything that had happened. I used to spend marathons in my room just binging on tv shows but now I was out doing things all the time and I actually enjoyed it. I think that's what surprised me the most.

Shauna had dragged me out shopping for the dance again the other week and I had bought another dress because I forgot about the one I had in my closet. When I was searching through the mess of clothes, I had stumbled across the dress I had bought the first time and it was so much nicer than the one I had before so I quickly changed before Shauna came over to do our hair and makeup together.

The dress was black lace that stopped an inch or two above my knee. Strapless with a sweetheart neckline, tighter at the top and then flaring out at my waist. I fell in love as soon as I put it on.

There was just something about getting ready with your friend. I don't know what it was but hair and makeup with music blasting in the background and your best friend screaming the lyrics along with you. There was just something that was so much fun about it.

"We're gonna knock 'em dead!" Shauna exclaimed as we ran up the stairs together, laughing like absolute idiots. I couldn't care though. As soon as you have to think about how you act around your best friend, they aren't your best friend anymore. They could be something more or something less but when you have to think about what you do before you do it, you aren't best friends. Simple as.

Shauna and I spent the next hour or so doing hair and makeup while blasting Taylor Swift from Shauna's phone.

"So serious talk," Shauna announced, turning down the music and keeping her eyes on me through the mirror as she methodically stuck pins in her hair. "Luke Masters. What is going on with him?"

I internally winced and finished coating my eyelashes with mascara before I turned to her. This was a topic I was trying to avoid. Of course it would come up when I didn't want it to. Not that I had anything against Luke, he was great fun. It was just, I didn't know where I stood with him. I don't like making assumptions, I like knowing things exactly so I don't look like an idiot when my assumption's wrong.

"Well he's hot," I stated simply and Shauna gave me a flat look through the mirror where she was still styling her hair.

"Clearly El. He's Luke Masters. That boy is like the definition of hot. I mean what's going on with you and Luke? You've been spending a good bit of time with him recently," Shauna asked again, finishing with her hair and turning to look at me.

"I don't know Shauna," I groaned, slouching in my chair. "I really don't know. I mean he's hot and he's fun to be around but he's a player and we argue so much. You know I have to tutor him right? There's just so many fights when he doesn't want to do something that he has to do. He's just...Ugh!" I answered, throwing my arms up in the air in frustration.

"Hmmm," Shauna hummed, looking me over with a slight smirk on her lips. "Okay," she said, her voice sly and her tone clearly showing that she was hiding something. I wasn't ready though so I turned back to the mirror to finish my makeup and ignored the curiosity.

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