Chapter 27 - Time For a Little Revenge

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"Luke this is the most stupid idea I have ever heard," I told him, my voice shaking even though I tried to keep it steady. It was single handedly the most idiotic thing I had ever heard of. I couldn't believe that he was even suggesting it. I gripped the window frame so tight my knuckles were ghostly white. My stomach was churning with nerves and my heart was pounding so hard I was worried that it would beat out of my chest.

"Come on Kitten. It's not that far away. Plus I'll be here to help you. You'll be fine Kitten," Luke persuaded with the most adorable puppy dog pout that had me sighing in defeat immediately.

"If I die it's on you," I warned and took a deep, shaky breath. Clenching my jaw, I stepped out onto my balcony and swung my legs over so I was sitting on the guardrail. I squeezed my eyes shut and made up my mind. I could do this. I opened my eyes and stood on the very edge of the ledge. Stretching one foot across, I managed to reach the edge of Luke's balcony. Pushing away from my balcony, I grabbed Luke's guardrail.

But my foot slipped.

No word of a lie, my life flashed before my eyes. All my favourite memories played in my head as I literally clutched the metal for my life. I squealed when I felt my hand being pried away from the metal and opened my eyes to see Luke grabbing both of my hands. Luke pulled my up like it was nothing and as soon as my feet touched solid ground I threw my arms around Luke's neck.

"I hate you," I whispered, my voice shaking and my heart pounding in my ears with the adrenaline. As often as I say it, I honestly thought that I was going to die. "I hate you so much. I hate you. Thank you. Thank you thank you thank you thank you," I told him, my breathing heavy and uneven. "Why did I have to do that again?" I asked him, not letting him go in fear that my knees would give out.

"Because if you came through the front door my mom wouldn't have let us upstairs and all of my stuff is in my room so there would be no use in me going over there. You're okay Kitten. I would never let you fall," Luke answered, not letting his hold of my waist go either.

We stayed like that for a minute or two while my heart slowed back down to a normal pace and my breathing evened out. Unwrapping my arms from Luke, I walked into his room and sat down on his bed, crossing my legs underneath me. "So what's the plan?"

"I'm glad you asked Kitten. So here's what we're gonna do," Luke answered with an evil smirk, rubbing his hands together overdramatically.

* * * * *

My arms were wrapped around Luke's waist as I clung on for dear life while his motorbike sped up. I was not in the mood to nearly die twice in one day. The darkness was only illuminated by weak street lamps as we drove to some unknown destination. I had Luke's backpack on my shoulders filled with all the supplies we had agreed on. I was surprised, weirded out and strangely impressed when I saw what he had. Though I had to convince him to calm down what he was planning. I hated the two of them but he was planning on going way too far.

"Here we are. Come on Kitten," Luke told me as he got off the bike and helped me off when I nearly fell. It was a big bike, too big for me but the right size for Luke.

"Where is here exactly?" I asked, following him up to the huge house. Something about this felt off. Luke had told me what we were going to do and who we were going to do it too but he never told me how we were going to manage it. That was why I was worried.

"Crystal's house," Luke answered, continuing his stroll up the driveway. "Pass the bag," he asked, holding his arm out behind him as he looked the house up and down. I scrunched up my eyebrows and slid the bag off my shoulder, handing it to him. Luke dug through the front pocket of the bag before taking out something small and handing the bag back to me. When he reached the door, he bent down and started fiddling with something. I moved around so I could see what he was doing and smacked the back of his head.

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