Chapter 10 - House Party

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Now don't get me wrong, I love shopping. It's fun and retail therapy works wonders. But you see there's always that person who goes overboard and turns shopping from a recreational activity into an extreme sport. They're rifling through the racks, throwing everything half decent into your arms and shoving you into the dressing room where they force you to compete in a marathon by making you change clothes in record time. Then they deem nothing suitable and move onto the next store without getting anything.

That's the definition of Shauna shopping.

She dragged me from store to store, making me try on countless dresses  all of which she said were either too prude or too slutty. Do you realize how tiring it is trying dresses on like they're going out of fashion? It's exhausting after two and a half hours.

"Shauna. Food. Please," I begged but she just rolled her eyes at me and kept walking. I swear shew as trying to kill me. Shopping is a work out with her. She does no exercise and I never understood how she stayed in shape until today because she was in the zone. "Shauna I'm gonna die," I complained and she just laughed at me and waved her hand.

"Oh please  El, you're not going to die. We're just shopping," Shauna replied as if it were nothing so I scoffed at her.

"Shauna, you've been dragging me around the mall for two and a half hours and making me get changed in and out of clothes faster than I've ever gotten changed in my life. This is so not just shopping," I clarified, narrowing my eyes at her when she just grinned cheekily at me.

"Come on, in here," she announced, taking me by the wrist and pulling me into yet another store.

I calmly looked through the racks like a normal person, even though I'm not really but normal is boring. Shauna tore through the racks like she was going to die soon, thrusting dress after dress into my arms so she could continue frantically searching. She was only shopping for me because apparently she had 'the like totes perfect dress'.

Panicking me from outside the dressing room because of her pressuring to move faster, Shauna was making me change ridiculously fast once again. I was surprised that she hadn't been thrown out of a store yet for disturbing the other customers because Shauna was one of those people whose whisper is everyone's talking and her talking is everyone's shouting.

I pulled back the curtain, tugging on the bottom of the dress because how I wasn't supposed to feel self conscious in this dress I had no idea. There was a mirror in the changing room but I didn't want to look in it in case I looked horrible. I wanted Shauna to see first. Shauna's jaw dropped and then her lips curved up into a wicked grin. Without a word, she turned me around so I faced the mirror and my jaw dropped too. The dress was pure white which I would normally disapprove of because it would get filthy easily but it make my hair look darker and my skin tone look richer. The dress reached mid thigh and hugged my figure from my waist down but was a loose, flowing fabric from the top of the dress to my waist. One sleeve was slightly loose and made out of the same light, flowing material as the top of the dress and came down to my wrist but the other side was strapless. With a pair of killer heels and my makeup down properly, I could look stunning. That was the first time I'd ever thought that.

"That's the dress. Take it off and we're going to buy it. Don't even bother trying anything else on. That. Is. The. Dress," Shauna announced dramatically, her hands emphasizing every word. Her eyes were still comically wide and her mouth turned up in that wicked grin that meant trouble but this time I didn't mind because maybe a bit of trouble wasn't all that bad.

*     *     *     *     *

It was surprisingly easy to convince my parents to let me go to the party, even though it was on a Sunday night. In fact, my mom was ecstatic, absolutely delighted. I believe her exact words were 'you're finally being a normal teenager!' I would have made a sarcastic comment but that would probably have meant I wouldn't be allowed go so my almost non existent filter actually worked. I think the rule she gave as an after thought when she was practically skipping off in joy was my favorite. 'Oh and El, do whatever you want just don't get pregnant.'

Thanks for the excellent advice Mom. Here I was planning on becoming the mother of a random stranger's child at the age of seventeen. Life dreams crushed.

Shauna came around a few hours before the party so we could get ready together and after all these morning putting on makeup and doing my hair so I looked decent for school, I understood why girls took hours to get ready. I'm pleased to say that I could actually help Shauna. Sure she did my hair and makeup and picked out my dress and matched my shoes to it but I curled her hair. My limited experience with a curling wand came in handy.    

After hours of grooming and preepping, Shauna and I finally descended. My hair was poker straight with one side pinned so it stayed at me back and the other down over my shoulder with the sleeve. My eyes were done up with smokey eyeshadow, liner, the works. Shauna had told me that a deep red would be the best so my lips were painted with it. Dress on, heels on and honestly, I felt pretty.

"Hey Shauna, hey, Ellie?" I heard Zach say from behind me and spun on my heel to see him with his navy beanie and jacket on with his car keys in his hand, about to leave. He was gaping. Mouth open, eyes half the size of his face and looking me up and down. I was suddenly feeling really self conscious but I pretended I wasn't. I liked how I looked. "Wow," he whispered, sounding slightly awed.

"You like it?" I asked him, my voice coming out kind of nervous despite my best efforts not to. You're parents and family and your friends (let's be honest here, friend) could say you were pretty but until a guy that wasn't related to you said something, you were still a little worried because the others were practically forced to say you were because they love you.

 Despite that, I do believe that the only person you should ever change for is yourself because if you change for someone else then they don't really love you for you, they love you for the you you're trying to be for them so the love they feel for you isn't the best, truest love they should feel for you because the you that they love isn't really you. I just confused myself.

"Ellie that's, wow, it's wow. You're stunning," Zach answered, struggling with his words like he had forgot his entire vocabulary. I hoped that really meant that I looked okay because the butterflies in my stomach at his reaction really wished he was being sincere. I know Zach wasn't related to me but he had grown up with me and he was my friend too so I guess he did kind of count in that category of family and friends with an obligation to say you looked pretty.

I was smiling like an idiot when Zach's face went from awe to serious. "Are you really sure that you should be going out looking like that? I don't think it's a good idea Ellie. It would probably be best if you just stayed away from that party," Zach decided and I could feel the shock on my face.

"W-what?" I asked, slightly confused at his sudden attitude change. "I'm going to the party Zach," I corrected him, kind of annoyed that he would say something like that to me.

Slowly, Zach shook his head and took a breath. "I'm sorry El. You look gorgeous, amazing. Have fun at your party," Zach said with a smile and opened his arms, looking for a hug. I walked over in my heels which were surprisingly easy to walk in. Shauna used to make us wear heels around the house when we were younger so we'd feel grown up. It was so funny, the amount of time that we fell but we ended up getting pretty great at walking comfortably in them.

I was almost as tall as Zach in the heels, actually I was kind of the perfect height. I could lean in and kiss him no problem. That though wasn't supposed to be there. I wrapped my arms around Zach's neck as he went around my waist and pulled me closer to him. He smelled amazing, that delectable guy scent with a hint of cinnamon too. Not that I was sniffing him, that's a bit weird even for me. I pulled back and Zach let go slowly.

"See ya Zach." I waved good bye with a grin we walked out of the house and went to get into Shauna's car. Zach waved back and got in his own. When I slid inside Shauna was giving me this weird, scrutinizing look as if she was trying to figure me out but I waved Shauna and her weird look off, I got them all the time anyway.

*     *     *     *     *

You could hear the music from where we were parked a good bit away already. Dylan's house was pretty big and it wasn't very close to any neighbors so nose wasn't a problem which was good. When we got inside I was a bit overwhelmed. There were so many people it was like he had invited our whole year and then some. The lights were off and where they weren't off they were dim. You could barely make anyone out but it was better that way. It kind of felt like what I'd expect a club to be like except a little less organized. Most of downstairs was a dance floor and I think I could guess what most of upstairs was too. I was inexperienced, not naive.

Shauna led me through the crowds of dancing people till we were at the edge of the blur of dancing and I could attempt to get my bearings. I didn't really mind the people as long as no one tried to strike up a conversation with me which I doubted would happen. I didn't mind the noise at all, in fact the music was infectious even though I really didn't like dance music, it just made me want to join in.

"E?" I heard behind me over the music. I turned around slowly, only expecting one person and a smile lit up my face when I saw him. Jordan Taylors, cue dreamy sigh. He looked perfect in his slim fitting t-shirt and chinos. He hair was all done and even though  I could see through spectacular eyes I assumed they were perfect as always too. "Wow. You look...amazing. I'm glad you could make it," he said, his smile taking on a flirtatious glint.

Jordan Taylors said I looked amazing. What was my name again?

"So do you," I replied, my voice sounding kind of dreamy and in love so I coughed not so casually. "I mean, thank you," I added, my eyes slightly wide because of my stupid fangirling mistake. Jordan chuckled lightly at me and then grinned.

"Dance with me," he suggested though it sounded more like he wasn't going to be taking no for an answer. Or maybe he just wasn't expecting no for an answer and I certainly wasn't going to say no that was for sure. Especially not when he took my hand, entwining our fingers. I actually think I lost my ability to speak so I just silently nodded and with another grin, Jordan pulled me out into the mass of people.

Let me make this very clear. I don't dance. I suck. Well I assume I suck, I've never really tried.

Jordan obviously sensed my nerves and pulled me closer to him than I already was in the mob. His hands were on my hips and he leaned in so he could talk in my ear. It sounded like a whisper but he was probably shouting, we were close to the speakers. "Relax E. Just go with the music."

I kept my eyes closed a moment longer than they needed to when I blinked and moved to the music. I knew I wasn't the best dancer but I kept in time which was better than most people. Soon I wasn't thinking about the other people, I was barely thinking about Jordan which must have been some sort of first. I lost myself, I was buzzing now. Not because of alcohol like most people here but because I actually let myself go and it felt amazing.

Jordan's hand were back on my hips as we moved and when someone behind me bumped into me, I bumped into Jordan bringing our faces dangerously close together. I started to panic when his eyes dropped from my wide ones to my lips but then someone came up behind him and shouted something in his ear. Jordan beamed with a mischievous twinkle in his eye and took my hand, pulling me out of the mass of people behind him.

"They're playing truth or dare upstairs. Let's go join," Jordan said and only able to concentrate on the fact the our fingers were laced together again,  I just nodded and followed him. Shauna was flirting with a cute guy at the top of the stairs but when she saw me, she turned away like she had never even seen the guy and handed me a red solo cup.

"Take it, there's nothing in it but it will stop people from trying to hand you drinks," Shauna informed me and I gratefully took the cup. She knew I didn't drink and never planned to either. It looked like she had been invited to truth or dare too because she followed us into the room with a circle of people longing around on the floor, each with a cup in their hands. Jordan sat down in one of the only empty spots, bringing me with him and Shauna sitting down on my other side.

"Okay, here's the rules," a girl in a little black dress announced to the circle. She started to say something but hiccuped and burst into light giggles instead. "Okay, okay. So it's truth or dare, you can pick whichever you want as many times as you want. If finish a truth or dare then you get to pick the next person. If not you've got to take two shots and then the person who asked you picks someone else. If it's a dare, at least one person needs to see."

The game was hilarious. Drunk people came up with some of the best things. One girl had to lick the bottom of another guy's foot which was completely disgusting but she surprisingly kept the contents of her stomach. Another guy had to switch clothes with a girl for the rest of the game. The dress was so tight on him it was hilarious.  A girl had to strip down to her underwear and run around the house screaming 'free ride'. A guy admitted that he had made out with a donkey for a dare once. A girl had to peel a banana without using her hands. The guy were very interested in that one. Another girl made out with a guy when she was dared to put lipstick on another player without using her hands. Then Jordan got asked.

"I dare you to kiss the sexiest person in the room," one very tipsy girl drawled, probably thinking it was going to be her. It probably was. I was laughing at something Shauna said about her when someone tapped my shoulder and I turned around on to be kissed on the cheek by Jordan. My eyes were wide and my heart was pounding but I managed not to scream with excitement. Then he leaned in to whisper in my ear.

"How about we do this properly on a date?" he asked and I swear I nearly fainted.

"I do. I uh, um, I mean yes. Yeah definitely yeah sure," I stuttered, desperately trying to accept but failing miserably when my brain stopped working. I stood up, muttered bathroom when I got strange looks and rushed out of the room.

Jordan Taylors asked me out on a date! He wasn't drunk enough to not know what he was saying, that much I could tell and unless he drank a lot more he wouldn't forget he asked me which meant I was going on a date with Jordan! The Jordan Taylors!

With a huge grin on my face, I walked out of the bathroom. Overjoyed, confident, ecstatic. Until I was stopped by a hand on my waist and pushed against a wall.

My head hit off the wall, not hard enough to cause an injury but hard enough to hurt. I felt another hand go on my waist as I looked up as a guy who was taller than me even with my heels on. I could smell the acrid odor of the alcohol rolling off him in waves and tried to squirm away from him but he just tightened his grip and moved closer.

"You're sexy. How 'bout we go somewhere and have a little fun?" he slurred, his eyelids slightly droopy and his sour breath fanning my face. The guy moved closer to me and I tried to hit him, do something to get away but he was too strong. "Feisty, I like it," he said and he tilted his head to kiss my neck. I could feel the tears stinging my eyes as the panic welled in my chest. There wasn't anyone around this part of the house, everyone around here was enjoying the game of truth or dare.

"Get off me," I shouted when I finally regained my voice. It was scratchy and dry like my mouth and I could hear my voice wavering with the tears now streaming down my face as I pathetically attempted to push him off. "Get off me now. No get off," I demanded through the tears and the sobs, making it hardly understandable but I was desperate.

All of a sudden, his disgusting, warm, wet lips moved off my neck and he was thrown on the floor. I scurried back from the scene, hugging myself and trying to stop the tears. I could hear the grunts of pain from the punches but I wasn't concentrating on that. I was just thinking about how much worse that was about to get when the guy stepped in. Squeezing my eyes shut, I tried to calm myself down but when and arm pulled me against a strong chest I started to freak out and hit him.

"Shhh, Kitten, it's okay. You're okay Kitten. Calm down," Luke cooed in my ear and even though I knew I shouldn't, I felt myself relax in his arms. We stayed like that for a while, him holding me tight but gentle against his chest while I calmed down until my sobs were little hiccups and then we were both quiet until I hugged him back.

"Thank you so much Luke. Oh my gosh thank you so much. You saved me. Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you," I gushed, my arms around his neck and his around his waist. I never thought I hug any other guy but Zach but hugging Luke just felt like the right thing to do. Pulling away, I leaned against the wall and sighed heavily but it came out shaky and broken from the sobbing and crying that had happened.

"Kitten, you can't go around looking like that on your own at a party," Luke scolded softly, looking me slowly up and down. I felt a blush burn my cheeks and he met my eyes with a smirk. "You blush so easily Kitten," he teased and I rolled my eyes at him with a surprisingly light laugh.

"Oh Luke this has been brought up so many times now. You make me blush and you do it on purpose. We've established this. Find some new material," I teased in return and he shook his head.

"I love that you go from soft and quiet in one second to teasing and sarcastic the next. It's weird but fun," Luke complimented and I rolled my eyes at him again.

"Oh no Masters, I'm immune now. I'm not falling for your charm," I joked, shaking my head and putting my hand on his chest to stop him. Luke raised an eyebrow at me, his smirk deepening.

"Immune are you now? So you won't be affected if I do this?" Luke asked, gently brushing a piece of hair away from my face and behind my ear. With a cocky smirk of my own, I shook my head at him while his hand moved down from my ear to my waist. "Or this?" he asked again, bringing his other hand to my waist and slowly pulling me closer to him on purpose.

"Uh uh," I replied, keeping my smirk. His widened into a grin but quickly fell when his eyes dropped from mine to my lips and then back up to my eyes again. "Don't give me those eyes Masters. I've been crying, I'm a mess," I laughed, low but harsh with an involuntary shiver at the thoughts of the guy unconscious on the bathroom floor and his hands on my, his lips on my neck. I shivered in disgust once again but was brought back to reality when I felt soft pressure on my waist from Luke's hands.

I met his eyes and my heart picked up speed immediately, a blush burning slowly up my neck and to my cheeks as his face got closer, his eyelids low as he moved in with his gaze on my lips. What surprised me more was I was moving closer too, a lot slower than he was, but I was. I was suddenly hyper aware of just how close we were and the butterflies his hands on my waist were causing. I was so sure I was about to give my first kiss to Luke when I heard a frantic Shauna calling my name.

I whipped my head to the side and felt Luke's lips on my cheek as Shauna rounded the corner, not paying any attention to Luke which was strange of her. She grabbed my hand with a crazed and dazed look in  her eye and started pulling. I found Luke's hand and gave it a light squeeze as I was dragged away. "Thank you  Luke."

"Anytime Kitten, anytime," Luke called after me with a strange smile that  I hadn't seen before.

"Ellie we've gotta leave. Rumor has it that Crystal Lee is out for blood. Your blood and she's planning something horrible for you," Shauna informed me, the worry evident in her voice. As she led me out to the door I heard a voice I wasn't keen on hearing.

"Hey Wannabe!" Crystal called with a sneer and a cruel smirk. "Did you get my present? Sorry he was a bit drunk but it added to it right? Keep your hands off what's mine," she warned and I felt my heart in my throat as Shauna had to literally drag me out of the house and into her car where I broke down into sobs.

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