Thank You's

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So I just wanted to say a list of thank you to everyone that has made a difference to me while I was writing Wished.

First I'd like to thank Beth. Beth you have been absolutely amazing and I know I've said it multiple times and come off like a sap every time but thank you so much! You're such an amazing friend! You've listened to all my ideas even though I rambled on and on about them and you given me feedback. You've been helping me out on Wished from the very beginning. So thank you so so so much for being so amazing and helping me have the inspiration to finish this.

Katie, Katie, Katie. Where to begin. Well first off thank you for loving Luke. You are such a die hard Luke lover so thank you so much for loving my character so much. Thank you for helping me come up with all the cliches and for helping me come up with all those different scenes throughout Wished. Thanks so much for reading it! Having one of my best friends read it and love it means so much. Thanks so much for listening to all my non-stop rambling about this. I know I never shut up. Thanks so much for helping me get through this and finish it.

Rebekah, I'm sorry for talking you ear off about this book and the next one though you're not off the hook for Played I'm sorry to say. Thanks so much for helping me with my cliches and for listening to all of my ideas and ramblings ecetera ecetera. Thank You!

Sarah! Sarah you were like my first Zallie supporter. You're life ended up just like wished even though you're with Steve and not Lloyd or however you spell his name. Thanks so much for reading it and for loving it and for listen to me talk about it incessantly. Thanks!

TheFreakingDead, I just have to thank you. The amount of times that you've just made my day with all of your awesome comments. Thank you so much for being so enthusiatic about Wished and I hope that you'll enjoy Played just as much. Thank you so much for being such a loyal supporter of the book. It means so much to me so thank you!

Nat_868_, thank you so much for all you votes and your comments! I'm just means so much to me that you like my book so thank you so so so so much for supporting Wished.

livy65676, thanks so much for all of your votes! The support means so much to me!

Storylover71801, thank you so much for voting! Thank you!

jtthxtchick013, thank you so much for supporting Wished! That message just about made my life so thank you!

And thank you everyone else who's read and voted and commented. I couldn't go through and pick out every person who has ever voted and I can't see who's read it but thank you to everyone who had read and commented and voted. It means so much to me that you guy have supported my story so thank you thank you thank you!!!

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