Chapter 20 - The Fake Relationship

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  • Dedicated to Sarah Connolly

Have you ever had that feeling where you think something isn't real?

There's just this little part of you that's so afraid that if you even make one single move then this dream like situation will vanish and be exactly that. A dream.

It's kind of terrifying because you're so happy in this perfect situation yet there's this gnawing worry that this is just some figment of your imagination.

So when Jordan's arm came around shoulders and he scooched a few inches closer to me on the couch, this was exactly how I felt.

Jordan had come around earlier after asking if I wanted to hang out. Neither of us had anything specific that we wanted to do so I had just asked him if he wanted to come around and watch a movie or something in my house. Not thirty minutes later, I was popping popcorn and Jordan was skimming through Netflix looking for something to watch.

I was in a daze, not concentrating on the movie and not daring to move just in case Jordan moved. My heart was pounding and I couldn't think about anything other than how his arm was around me so casually, so naturally.

I had told Jordan not to pick a scary movie. I could handle scary movie just fine. Nightmares had never been a problem for me and I could handle scares and gore and creepy things. It was just that I could only watch scary movie on my own because while I don't get scared, I jump really easily. Really easily. At every little jump scare, I leap. Which is why I watch scary movies on my own, so I don't get embarrassed.

Thankfully, Jordan had not picked a scary movie. The movie he had picked though, did have a jump scare at one point. I leapt in the air and Jordan looked at me while he chuckled lightly. He had that gorgeous smile that made my insides melt and a twinkle of laughter in those perfectly perfect brown eyes. Jordan tightened his arm around my shoulders in a comforting way that made my heart actually flutter and pulled me closer to him.

We had just finished watching the movie when Jordan got a text saying that he had to go home.

"Well E, I gotta go. We should do this again though. It was fun," Jordan said as we walked over to the door. He was so cute and perfect and adorable and gorgeous. How did he actually want to hang out with me again? That was the question I wanted the answer to. I wasn't going to complain though. It just meant I got to spend more time with Jordan Taylors.

"Definitely. See ya Jordan," I replied with a grin that I hoped looked cute and not 'Joker'.

Jordan turned and opened the door. He had just taken a step outside when he surprised me by turning around and pulling me in for a hug. I froze up for a second before hugging him back.

I think it went on a bit too long, not that I cared. I mean, it was Jordan Taylors. Someone coughed from behind us and the two of us dropped our arms and took a step away from each other.

"Well I'll see ya Ellie. We're still on for the dance right?" Jordan asked as he walked away.

"Yeah of course," I answered, nodding maybe a bit too eagerly but I mean seriously, it was Jordan Taylors. He asked me, me of all people, to the dance. He never asks girls to the dance. He just shows up and gets mobbed by girls who want to dance with him. Most of those girls having dates but not caring because once again, it's Jordan Taylors.

"I still don't like him," I heard Zach say from behind me and whipped around to see him sauntering into the kitchen. It must have been him who coughed and pulled us apart. I guess a part of me could be mad at him for that but I just couldn't be mad. It was Zach.

"Come on Zach you, once again, don't even know him," I argued, following him into the kitchen and leaning on the counter opposite him. There was something in his eyes that just told me he was going to ask me something. I had seen it all the time over the years, it was always the same with him. He had these little things that I noticed about him that just showed what he was going to do.

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