Chapter 31 - Someone Messed Up the Ending

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When someone becomes part of your life it's hard to get them out. They earn your trust and find a place in your heart which in turn keeps them on your mind. They've become a central part of your life and because of that everything with them just seems natural. Being around them seems natural, going up and talking to them seems natural, laughing with them seems natural. Being with them just seems natural. It just feels right.

I wasn't sure at what point in the time that I'd know Luke that he'd become such a big part of my life but it had. It seemed like second nature to see him in the hall and walk over to him. It felt right to sit in what used to be my normal seat beside him and just talk to him. It felt natural to go over and mess up his hair just to get a reaction out of him.

I didn't realise how all of these seemingly small things affected my day. Yet here I was, fighting my new habits of just walking up to Luke. It was something that not many people dared to do, let alone actually could. If Luke talked to you it was okay but if you talked to Luke you better be careful. He had a reputation and because of that, people were scared.

During the wish, he called me 'Kitten' and while it was annoying at first, that term of endearment made me feel special.

But I wasn't 'Kitten' anymore. Luke didn't know me. I couldn't just go up to Luke and start a conversation with him. I couldn't switch seats to sit beside him. I couldn't go up to him and mess up his hair just to get a reaction out of him. I couldn't go up and make a purposely bad joke to get him to laugh. Luke didn't know me anymore.

With Zach it was fine because I saw him everyday anyway. Our relationship hadn't really changed because neither of us had feelings for each other. With Jordan, I was happy. I couldn't hate Jordan, as much as I wanted to. It was Alicia who had done it, not Jordan but still, hate just wasn't something that I was able to feel.

But Luke was a different story. Luke had become nearly my best friend. He had become someone who would help me with my crazy, stupid ideas. He was someone who made me laugh and made me scream with frustration five minutes later. He was someone who made me giddy and annoyed the hell out of me at the same time. Luke was someone who made me feel alive.

And he didn't know me.

There was no chance that I could get the friendship, those feelings with Luke again because even if he did know who I was outside the wish, there was no way he'd be interested. I just wasn't his kind of girl. Crystal, she was his kind of girl. She looked like the kind of girls that he got with. I was not in that category.

So I tried my best to avoid anywhere that Luke might be. I sat as far away from him in class as I could. I was always last in and first out in classes so there was no chance of bumping into him. I avoided anywhere that he might hang out during lunch.

I just didn't know what I would do if I accidentally ran into him. I remembered everything but no one else did. It couldn't go back to the way it was because this was normal, this was real life and as much as it hurt with Luke, I wouldn't have had it any other way.

It was at the very end of the day that it seemed all my hard work was for nothing.

I closed my locker door and turned to walk out of school but Luke was leaning against the lockers next to mine. His back was pressed against the lockers with one leg bent at the knee and his foot flat against the wall of lockers. His chin was tilted up so his was looking at the ceiling but as soon as he heard my locker door close, he head snapped to mine. All he had to do was smirk to get my heart racing and the butterflies flurrying in my stomach.

"Are you avoiding me Kitten?" Luke asked, raising an eyebrow and turning his body so it was his arm and shoulder pressed up against the lockers instead.

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