Luke's POV - Chapter 2 - The Bad Boy

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You know what sucks? Having to wake up for school. I can deal with the work, I can manage the learning but having to get up early and deal with those annoying teachers and aggravating teenagers, that's just painful.

You know what's worse than having to get up for school? Having you sister get you up for school.

"Ugh Lucy," I groaned, throwing my arm over my eyes when she jumped on my stomach. She was small so it was fine but it wasn't the ideal way to be woken up in the morning. I was just going to skip, I just was not in the mood for getting up and going to school. Hopefully Mom would be too busy to make me or I was going to have to think about an excuse. That was too much effort for this hour of the morning.

"Stop being so lazy Lukey! Get up! You have to bring me to school! Mom had to go to work so you have to bring me!" Lucy shouted as she bounced on my stomach. With a groan and a wince I rolled onto my side so Lucy fell off and onto the mattress. She started giggling and asking me to do it again. Seven year olds had way too much energy.

"I'm gonna tell Mom about that girl that you brought around the other day when she was at work if you don't get up right now," Lucy threatened and my eyes flew open as my arm dropped back to the bed.

"You wouldn't," I said and Lucy leaned over me with a huge smirk on her face. I taught her way too well. Narrowing my eyes at her playfully, I poked her stomach which sent her laughing away while I sat up. Rubbing my eyes, I pushed the blanket off me and swung my legs over the side. This was going to be a long day.

"Well then come on Lu," I said to her, pulling a pair of dark wash jeans and a white t-shirt from my closet. Lucy ran back into her room and I quickly changed before heading into her. She was pulling on a cardigan when I arrived and when she saw me she gave me those perfect little puppy dog eyes.

I had to stop teaching her ways to get things from people. It was working too well.

"What do you want?" I asked with a defeated sigh. That girl had me wrapped around her finger and she knew it. Mom found it hilarious but it was annoying though I could never get mad at Lucy.

"Will you braid my hair?" Lucy asked sweetly, blinking her puppy dog eyes a few times with a little smile.

"Sit down," I told her, picking up her brush and a hair tie and sitting behind her on the bed. Lucy started swinging her legs and humming a tune that she really shouldn't have known. I started brushing her hair and separated it into three sections before starting to braid it. When I was finished, I tied it at the bottom. "There you go Lu."

"Thanks Lukey," Lucy said, turning around and hugging me quickly before hopping off the bed and running down the stairs. Shaking my head, I stood up and followed her down. Mom was gone already, she worked crazy hours thanks to her job so having her home turned from normal to a special occasion. Lucy barely knew Mom but I'd known her before she became a workaholic when Lucy's dad left.

I had to mind Lucy a lot, I didn't mind it though. Lucy loved Jake but I wouldn't let any of my other friends come around when I was watching her. Whenever Mom got home, I was gone. She complained that I didn't spend enough time with her but she didn't spend enough time with us. Don't get me wrong though, I loved my mom. The tattoo on my arm was for them. Two bands because no matter what, our little family of three was infinite.

"Lucy what did you do?" I groaned, looking at the mess in kitchen. There was a big puddle of milk with cereal floating in it all over the kitchen floor. Just great.

"Oopsy?" Lucy said cutely with a sugary sweet smile. She was going to be the death of me.

"So help me Lu. Out. Go sit down. I'll get you breakfast," I ordered, squeezing my eyes shut with a long sigh. Lucy skipped out of the kitchen and I quickly made her cereal, passing it out to her before looking back at the mess. I cleaned it up and was just about to get myself some food when I noticed the time.

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