Chapter 17

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Aria POV

"Mom, Dad, I'm home" I yelled at the top of my lungs and then ran upstairs with all of my friends following behind me. It is still Saturday and the fund raisers for the day have ended. After the car wash I invited my all of my friends over so we could have a small pool party. Everyone was already in there bathing suits so it made perfect sense.

Right now all the girls and I were redoing our hair in my room while the guys waited in one of the guest bedrooms.

"So you and Mason finally, huh?" Tammy asked.

" It has only been a week since we met," I said.

"Yes, but it feels like it has been longer than that. I mean with all the drama that has been going on the this past week it feels like it should have already been a month since you guys have met," Kara said.

"I know way to much drama has been going on lately, but it seems like things will settle down soon. I mean there were no fights today or Friday between the boys. My mom and I talked last night and she said that her doctor told her that they caught the cancer at a good time and might actually be able to stop it," I said with a grin starting to spread across my face.

"We'll we are all happy for you, Aria," Maddie said walking over and hugging me.

"GROUP HUG," Tammy shouted and everyone crowded around me and we all hugged each other.

"We heard someone shout 'group hug' and we wanted in on this massive hug," Blake said barging into my room with the other three guys following behind us.

"Aw, come here guys," Elizabeth said scooting over, making room for the four muscular guys.

Of course me and Maddie had started this so we were in the middle and once the guys gave us a huge hug I started having trouble breathing.

"Guys, having... trouble... breathing," I barely choked. Everyone then started laughing and loosening there grip.


"So anyone wanna play 'Spin the Bottle'?"Tammy asked holding up a bottle. Immediately everyone shouted no knowing it would only bring us into that time of drama we had been in this past week.

"Gosh I was only joking. Tough crowd," Tammy said in sarcastic voice. Everyone then started laughing.

"Hi everyone," I heard my dad say from behind me.

"Hi Mr. Trenton," everyone said in unison. Oh why did they have to say hi to him like that it made him sound like a teacher or something else.

"So, Aria would you like to introduce me to your new friend?" my dad asked me. It took me a second to realize he was talking about Mason who's lap I was sitting on in our underground hot tub.

"Oh... um Dad this is Mason, Coach Anderson's son. Mason this is my dad you can call him Mr. Trenton. But you guys probably have already met at the hospital," I told the two.

"Hi," Mason said holding his hand out for my dad to shake.

"Hi ,Mason. And you guys are just friends right?" my dad asked us. I could see that Mason was going to talk but quickly kicked I'm in the shin before he could even get a sound to come out of is mouth.

"Nope, I learned my lessons with boys Dad. No more dating boys for a while," I said smiling.

"Okay, good for you sweetie," he said and then walked back inside the house.

"What was that about. Mason and you are-"

I cut Kara off by saying",I can't tell my dad that I'm dating another guy right after I broke up with one who almost forced me to have sex with him. He would never let me out of the house again. Even if it was one those guys who are freakishly smart and don't have a mean bone in there body, my dad would still say I couldn't date them. And to make it worse he knows about the fights you been in," I directed my attention towards Mason now", I'm surprised he didn't even get mad about you and I being just friends. So in proposal o one can tell my dad about us okay?" I asked all of my friends.they all nodded there heads in agreement.

"Thank you, I mean I know I sort of seem a little bit like a selfish spoiled-"

"Hey," now it was Kara's turn to interrupt me ", do not say that. We all understand it has been a bad week for you. And besides even if it was a hard week for you, you never ever acted like a selfish spoiled brat. Right guys? " she asked everyone else.

"Yeah, Aria don't ever think that alright?" Mason asked me.

"Okay," said still feeling bad because I knew I had acted wrongly this past week but they were just letting it slide because I had had a bad week.

"But are you guys sure? Because just tell me." As soon as I had said that everyone started grumbling.

"Aria Marie Trenton, turn around right now," Mason said loud enough so that everyone could hear him. He sounded stern and mad so I did as I was told.

"Look at me," he said while lifting my chin so his eyes were staring into mine and my eyes were staring into his. "You are not a selfish end spoiled brat, slut, or any swear word either. You are a beautiful, pretty, smart, amazing, talented girl who everyone loves o matter what they say about you. Don't ever think of yourself in a bad way, it will just take away the happiness and sweetness I like about you," Mason said and then slowly pressed his lips to mine. It was a quick kiss, even though I would have liked it to be longer. But I knew that if it had been longer it would be a little awkward like on Tuesday.

"Ewwwww, that is gross," I could hear Michael shout out. "Owww," I heard him scream. I quickly turned around and saw that Maddie had slapped upside the head. I laughed loving how my friends could be so funny.

I mean I had a really nice group of friends. Some were quiet and shy, some were sporty, some were fashionistas, and others were loud and funny. It was nice to have a combination otherwise it would just be boring. But I knew one thing that we would all have in common. We would always be there for each other.


Hey guys! Happy holidays! I thought it would be nice to update on Christmas. Also sorry it has been so long for updating and sorry this chapter is so short but anyways I hope you guys enjoy it.

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