Chapter 7

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Sunday passed in a blur and I barely even got to see my dad or mom though. My dad didn’t want me to come to the hospital and see my mom like this. But he would have to deal with it soon because I was going after school today; no matter what he said.

            Right now it was 6:45 a.m. and I had just woken up from my alarm clock clanging right in my face. It was a dreary morning. From where I was I could see fog slowly creeping up my window and the light streaking through the fog. I knew just from living in Wisconsin my whole life that today would probably be a beautiful day. It would be a sunny and green grass day. For Wisconsin during spring this was as good as it gets.  Usually it will either rain or even snow sometimes. But I was happy.

I quickly jumped out of bed ran to my closet excited that I would be able to wear something other than a hoodie or long sleeved shirt. I knew exactly what I was going to wear. I had gotten in from the Bahamas during spring break this year. It was a dress that had straps that tied in the back. Everything on it was either the white background of the dress or pink flowers with leaves on it. I loved it so much. My mom had gotten it for me on our last day of vacation. That is why I loved it so much though. It was a part of my mom that I could carry around all day. I thought I could make a statement; even if know one knew about it.

            I did realize that she was not dead but if that ever did happen to her I would want to hold onto her as much as I can. Even if it means wearing the worst dresses ever; though this is probably one of the dresses in my closet that will be worn over and over again.

I quickly flat ironed my hair and then scrunched it up so I wouldn’t lose all of my wavy hair. Then I put a tiny mascara on my eyelashes, then a little blush on my cheekbones, and finally some lip gloss that blended right into the color of my lips. I then ran back to my closet and just grabbed a pair of wedges that had light pink laces to tie around your ankles so your feet would stay put in the wedges. The best part was they matched my dress.

            I quickly tied the ribbons around my ankles and picked up my bag. It was basically just a purse or bag for shopping but it wasn’t one of those tiny bags all friends had. It could fit all books and school things in there and additionally fit my make-up bag in their which wasn’t to big but it still was about as big as a pencil bag. I could also slip over shoulder and have it be comfortable.

 It was also very pretty and not just plain. It had a light green strap. The background of the actual bag was a dark brown with pink, light blue, light green, and orange polka dots. It was very me in a way. Crazy and fun but not so much that it would over whelm you like those bags that were all gold. But the main reason I loved it was because it was hand made by my mother. She had made it for my birthday this year. My birthday was on November 8th. It was April now and it still hadn’t ripped or been ruined at all. And that was saying a lot because usually go through things fairly fast. My mom was an amazing sewer. It was something she liked to do. This bag would something I would have to hold onto if anything ever did happen to her.

I quickly snapped out of my thoughts when I heard a car nearing our house. I looked out my window and saw my older brother Zach pulling into our driveway. I quickly walked downstairs. Even if Zach and I were the typical brother and sister that fought always we still had a really close bond where we would fight but then double over laughing. As I reached the door I immediately twisted the knob and swung open the door only to rush outside and find my brother just sitting in the car staring up at our house that was more like a mansion. When I saw him I soon slowed my pace to normal walking speed. He looked very tired. He had bags under his eyes which weren’t looking the best. Unlike his usual dark hazel eyes they were now dark blue. It also looked like his hair hadn’t been washed in a long time. It was all messed up and all over the place when it usually was gelled and professional looking. When I got to his car I tapped on the door. Zach jumped right out of his seat like Saturday night when Cameron threw the football at Josh’s car. But I needed to forget Josh. He was out of the picture.

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