Chapter 4

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Hey guys posted a video to go with this chapter. Anyways if you like please vote or comment. Even just readin it makes me happy! Again sorry for a short chapter!


In some weird way I feel like I've been lied to. No one told me my mom was sick. She was probably dying in one of the millions of hospital beds in America. Not being able to get the treatment she needs since she is only one of the few million in the world who are sick. There are more people sick than are people to treat them.

Everything is sick. Nothing will ever be healthy, is the way I see it. People are always sick. Plants, animals, even non-living things are sick. All in one way or another.


I'm looking out the window, which probably almost takes up a whole wall in my bedroom, sitting on my window seat. Just staring off into the midnight moon. Ever since I found out my mom had breast cancer I haven't talked. Of course it has only been 12 hours, but still I wouldn't even say one word. Like 'whoa' or even 'no.' But no, I just sat there not able speak or think. Everything kept on rushing through my mind.

"You want something to eat?" I turned to see Josh standing in my doorway. I just shook my head no and went back to staring. Now usually when you are home alone with your boyfriend you would probably do something way more  exciting. Though I couldn't even think straight so how was I supposed to kiss him. I was actually still a little surprised when my dad said he could stay over but I guess when he saw my reaction he knew I wouldn't be doing anything worth while.

"Come on Aria, talk to me please. I need to hear your voice. Shutting yourself out from the world doesn't help anyone. Please," Josh whispered that last word.

But still I kept true and kept staring into space. That is when Josh turned my head to face his so I could see right into his eyes. It was like staring into his soul. I know a lot of people use that phrase but when his eyes I could see they were full of pain, hurt, and loss. He was probably already losing someone dear in his life and it was like I could hear him say...

'Please, I don't want to lose you too.'

Very softly he pressed his lips to mine. Then without saying a word he got up and left. But this time I wasn't letting everyone down. I was not going to let everyone else suffer while I shut myself out the world and hide in my bedroom.

I quickly got feeling my bones creek but ignored it. I ran out my bedroom and almost tumbled down the stairs. Lucky for me though Josh cought me.

"Hey, you feeling better?"

Instead of answering him I repeated what I was thinking. "I am not going to let everyone else suffer while I just hide from it in my bedroom. I have to face my problems and deal with them. I cannot hide any longer. I need to be brave."

"I'm so glad to see you talking again. You know you can always talk to me. No matter what. We can deal with things TOGETHER. Not alone," he gave me a kiss on the cheek and then took my hand in his and we walked down the stairs. It was sort of like a new beginning.


Later that day while Josh and I were lying on the couch eating dinner he aked me "So tonight I was wondering if you wanted to go to a house party? See some friends? It might get your mind off things just for a little bit."

"Sure, but no drinking I have a feeling that if I do I am not going to stop. Is that, okay?" I ask more sounding like a mom telling her teen what to do than being an actual teen.

"I'm all for it," he said ", personally I'm just happy you are coming. Maybe you can wear your sundress again since you didn't get to show it off last night." I knew as soon as Josh said it he regretted it, probably wishing he could take it back.

"I'm fine Josh. Okay?" I gave him a kiss on the cheek. " And yes I will wear the dress." He smiled. " Now I should probably go get ready. You can go back to your house and change and the pick me up, if you want to," I said starting to head up the stairs.

"Okay I'll be back in 30 minutes," he said and then I heard the front door slam shut.

Again I got ready doing mostly the same thing. Though this time I had already taken a shower in the afternoon, so I didn't have to. I also skipped painting my nails. So that just left me with hair, makeup, and clothes. I can do this I told myself and then got right to work.


After my 30 minutes were up I looked almost like last night. The only thing missing was a smile.

"Hey you ready?" Josh asked while knocking on my door.

"Yep," I said opening the door for him. I could already feel the smile creep up my face. Josh was enough to make me smile. He brought me to a happier place. Later that night would I only know I was wrong.


 Hope you enjoyed and sorry this was another short chapter next one should be really long with what I have planned out.

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