Chapter 8

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The rest of the day was strangely calm. I helped Mason with all of his classes and getting him caught up on what we were doing. But the best part, which might sound weird, is that no one bothered except for Mason.


Our final bell rang so I quickly grabbed all my stuff towing Mason in hand to our lockers. I quickly put my combination into the locker put stumbled from going so fast. I knew it was from all the stress of my mom being in hospital so I quietly took in a deep breath and let it out. I then calmly put my combination into the locker again making sure I got each number right. I then opened my locker and put all my homework in there for the day. And soon took off again. But ended up banging my head into Mason's locker and falling to the floor for the second time this week, if you include when Mason pulled me down with him.

"Hey, you okay?" Mason asked me.

"Yeah. I'm just in a rush. I get to see mom today. And she has finally awoken from her sleep," I say sarcastically trying to hide the hurt in my voice.

"Well... I guess I'll see you tomorrow," Mason said with a long pause in between.

"Hey, do you want me to come with you?" I heard Mason ask me as I start to walk away.

"Um... I don't know how my-"

"Hey Mason, I'm going to the hospital to see Mrs. Trenton. Do you want to come with me or come home?" Coach Anderson asked Mason.

"Actually I was just about ask Aria if she wanted me to go with her to the hospital. You know for support," Mason.

"Well okay then. Lets go. We'll see you there Aria," Mr. Anderson told me. We all then started walking down the hall. "Hey, you ready?" Mason asked me as I jumped out of my car.

"I think so."

"Come on," Mason said holding his arm out so I could loop mine around his. I then took the chance and put my arm around his because I knew if I didn't I would probably start crying. No matter who it was it felt nice to have someone with me.

"So you kids ready?" Coach Anderson asked walking up to us.

"Yep," we both answered.

We then both headed towards the doors to the hospital. Then we headed to my mothers room. I instead found my brother and father waiting outside her room in the hospital chairs. I knew my brother and father would be there but I was not expecting them to look so depressed. Because straight when I walked in the room I could feel the sadness enveloping me.

"How's mom?" I asked Zach trying to hide every emotion I felt inside me.

"She wants to see you," Zach said without looking up from the chair he was sitting in.

I then took my arm away from Mason's and walked straight up to the door trying not to show any fear that had been trapped inside me since Friday.

"Hey sweetie," I heard my mom soft and calm voice as soon as I opened the door.

"Hi mommy," I knew this was what a kid would say but I felt exactly like a kid. I felt vulnerable. "So how are you?" I asked her.

"I'm fine for right now," I hated the sound of that. Right now. "I've missed seeing your beautiful face. It was so hard to stay in this bed and not jump out to go run and see you."

"I missed you too. But dad wouldn't let me see you."

" Well I'll talk to him after you and I are done talking but right now I just want to talk to you. So how was your date on Friday?"

"Um... I didn't go. Josh understood that you are more important than one silly date," I said remembering how he was so sweet and innocent on Friday night and rude on Saturday night.

"Oh, sweetie. I'm so sorry."

"Mom don't apologize. You did nothing wrong."

"Okay. Well did you do something on Saturday night?" my mom asked. I suddenly just burst out crying. I couldn't help it. After about two minutes of crying and my mom comforting I told my mom about the party at Cameron's and the fight with Josh.

"I'm so sorry sweetie. Your father and I will talk to his parents."

"Mom, NO. I do not want to do that."

"Well honey. We have to he did something very wrong and he needs to be punished."

"Look all I want to worry about right now is... well you. Just let me think it over for a little bit. But anyways after the party I met another guy... at the swimming pool."

"Well why were you there? I thought you hated the swimming pool," my mom asked with a smirk on her lips.

" I don't and I was just running and sort of came to a stop there," I told my mother with a smirk on my face now.

"Well who was it? Anyone I know? And is he cute?"

" You might know him. Mason Anderson. Coach Anderson's son. And he just sort of a friend. He is knew to town and today was his first day at school so I showed him around. We have all the same classes."

" Oh yes I know him. Coach Anderson talking about him coming here. Aaaaaahhhhh," my mom yawned.

"Oh, your tired I should let you sleep."

"No, you don't have to do that."

"We have plenty of time to talk. Go to sleep," I said moving my Mom's bed linens up to her shoulders. " Good night. Sleep tight." I then stepped back and watched my mom quickly go to sleep. She looked so peaceful like this. So happy.

It reminded me of all the times we had fun together. Flashbacks went through my mind of all the swim meets we had gone to and I had won a heat. She would jump and down and pull me into a hug. I also remember all the memories we had in our huge yard. Zach and Dad would throw a football or baseball and Mom and I would run around chasing each other. It was even more fun when it rained and we would get all muddy. And every time this happened I remember seeing my mom's huge smile. She was so happy back then. But all theses flashbacks were so important to me. And I wanted to have more of them not loose my mother instead.


Hey guys! Sorry this one took so long. I've been busy and have also had more writers block. Sort of had to force this chapter so sorry if it isn't as good as the other chapters. But I would still love to see votes and comments!

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