Chapter 5

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Hey guys. Sorry it was so long of a wait. But I think this was my best chapter so far. But maybe you have a  different idea. Comment and vote. I would love to hear what you think of it.


“Ready?” Josh asked as we pulled up in front of Cameron’s house. Josh had never told me that Cameron was throwing the party. I must have looked horrified because Josh said “,Yeah Cameron’s mom and dad are out of town for the weekend. It was their anniversary. But it was just last minute, so don’t feel like you are drifting off now. Okay?”Josh was holding my chin and turning my head to face his. “ Never drift off like that ever again. I can’t take it. Even if it was only a few hours. It still hurts me to see you like that. Okay?” he asked again.

            All I could do was nod though. Even that was hard because he was holding my chin. But I was speechless. Josh had never said anything like that before. He has said a few sweet things but nothing ever like that. It might not sound that romantic but it meant so much to me to know that he didn’t want me to change because he liked me for me and that he didn’t want me to leave.

As I stared at him in awe he kissed me full on the lips in a sweet romantic way like yesterday night. But we didn’t have that much time to get into it because right then some type of ball hit my window and I jumped backwards, out of Josh’s arms.

            I turned my head to the right to look out my window. I could just make out the silhouette of a teenage boy, but I had no clue who it was. So I rolled down the window; I didn’t even think of if would be some totally random dude who was on drugs. But we usually never get anyone like that around our neighborhood.

“What the heck are you two doing? No more making out for you two. Now come get inside and party,” I could here Cameron’s voice who was almost yelling at us. He yanked open the door and pulled me out. Quickly Josh followed us. Once he caught up to us we were in front of Cameron’s front door. I pulled my wrist away from Cameron’s grasp and went up on my tip toes to whisper to Josh “ No drinking and do not get into drugs if anyone asks you,” but I wasn’t sure if he heard me because he never answered back. Instead he just ran off with some of his football friends.

            As I walked through the door myself I could feel people staring at me. And I guess they had a good reason since I never really wear dresses that much or well this type of dress. But no one had enough to look at me because Kara came up the stairs and blocked their views. “Hey! How was your anniversary last night?”

            “Hey and we need talk about that, but not right now. Tonight is a party night,” I said taking in Cameron’s house.

 Cameron’s house was huge. When you walked through the door you stepped onto a landing  that overlooked his whole entire house. There two hallways. The one to the left lead towards Cameron’s mom and dad’s bedroom, bathroom, and closet. To the right was Cameron’s hallway. That was where his bedroom, bathroom, closet, and deck were. His deck lead to his backyard where he had a basketball court, a swimming pool, and a huge lawn to play football on. But back to the landing there were stairs the lead downstairs to where there was a bar and then the actual kitchen. The bar was for Cameron and his friends so they wouldn’t eat his families’ breakfast, lunch, or dinner. He also had a huge living room right bye the kitchen with a lot of couches where I could see a lot of people were making out and I’m guessing it didn’t stop there. It was probably also in his room. But anyways right by the living room was a huge open space with hard wood floor. That was where everyone was dancing, naughty or nice. Then I could also see his family table where they ate dinner together; but instead of having dinner on the table there was beer and a few snacks. Though usually no one ever ate them.

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