Chapter 15

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"Hey, Aria," Elizabeth says to me as I open her car door. It is now Saturday morning and Elizabeth is picking me up for the car wash fundraiser that is going on at our school today. It is the perfect day to have a carwash because the sun is shining and there is a baseball tournament at the baseball fields by our school. That way everyone that is going to the baseball tournament will see that we are having a carwash.

"Cute bikini top," Elizabeth says taking in my outfit. I wearing a bikini top with that is neon pink with lime green shorts with one white line going down the side.

"Same to you," I say looking at her. Tammy was wearing a bikini top similar to mine. Ours were both pink but that was all they had in common. She was wearing a bikini top that was hot pink instead of neon pink, though the color wasn't much of a difference. Her top also had ruffles on them were as mine was just plain. She was also wearing light blue shorts that were sort of like mine,with one white line going down the side.

"I cannnot wait to see what the other girls are wearing. And the boys. They are probably all going to be shirtless. Please please God. Let the boys be shirtless," Tammy says looking up at the sky and putting her hands together to fake pray.

"Haha very funny," I said in a sarcastic tone."I pretty sure at least one guy will be shirtless. Or we could just dump a bucket of water on all of the guys that have shirts on so there shirts will be plastered to their chests."

"Even better idea. I like it," Tammy says smirking at me and starting take her car out of park and putting it into drive.

"Uh Elizabeth, you know I was just joking. Right?" I ask her worried that she will make a fool out of herself by doing that to every boy there.

"Yeah but now I am going to turn that idea, or in your case joke, into reality," she says with that smirk still plastered on her face.

"Tammy, don't make a fool out of yourself. Just let go of it and we can do something else that will be fun. Alright?" I ask her.

"What else do you have in mind?" she asks me with a sarcastic serious face on now. I couldn't help but laugh. She looked hilarious. She had now put on her sunglasses, pushed her lips out to look like she was pouting, and was stroking her chin like she had a beard.

After recollecting myself I knew I had to answer Tammy, otherwise she would go along with soaking every boy at the carwash. "Um... Uh... I think we-."

"Ha, I knew it you don't have any other fun ideas. I'm going along with your original idea," she said now looking at the road trying to focus on driving.

"Since when did you know I didn't have any other ideas?" I asked her, not remembering her say anything about me having no ideas.

"I thought it in my mind. Now stop getting off topic. We have planning to do. Who should we do first?" Tammy asks.

"Tammy I am not taking any part in your little plan. Okay?" I ask her to make sure she understands me.

"Fine, don't have fun. Party pooper," she mumbles the last part, but I can still hear her. I choose to ignore it though. I rest my head on the window and look out of it to see all the tiny shops in downtown Sun Prairie passing by us. I see a small botique that I go to all the time with my friends. Then right next door I see Louis' Pizza Shop. Louis, the owner of the resturaunt makes the best pizza in town. It was also where Josh and I went for our first date. Then right next to it is the Starbucks Mason and I went to when I first met him. And right across the road is the park and community pool where my mom used to watch me swim and play while on lifeguard duty.

I have had so many memories just right here on this very road. I haven't thought of it that way but when you have had so many things happen to you in the past two weeks you start to remember the little things in life that made you happy. Like your first date with a boyfriend. Going shopping with your best friends. Having coffee with a new friend you just met. Or swimming while your mom watches you with a proud smile on her face.


Hey everyone! I know I haven't updated in a while and I am sorry for that. I am also sorry that this is a short chapter. It is sort of a filler chapter and I wanted to write more but it seemed like this was a nice place to end. But I might even be able to write another chapter today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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