Chapter 19

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Hear for a Heart Chapter 19

Aria's POV 

I was now laying on my double king sized bed in my oversized room, with a million tears streaking my face. I haven't left my room ever since my mom directed me up there after a few minutes of hugging and comforting me. She said she would come back up to check but every time she has I have yelled at her to go away, which probably isn't the best idea when your mother at risk of dying because she has breast cancer.  

Though really I didn't care right I was heartbroken. Not about breaking up with Mason. Believe that does break about half of my heart, nut we were just starting out. I wasn't just going to go up to him and romantically say 'I love you'. 

That kind of thing only happens in movies, plays, and books. And trust me my life is not a heart throbbing movie or a romantic, tear jerker novel.besides me and Mason hadn't even been dating for a whole 24 hours.  

Actually that was the part that upset me the most, that we hadn't even been able to date for at least one whole day. I just wish I could have one day where nothing went wrong. Where everything seemed perfect to a child's eye. But as my mom says to me 'Not everything looks as perfect as it seems. You can't have everything you wish for.' And so much more advice she would give but it always seemed to make me sad. But I guess she was trying to make me a little tougher for the real world, which seemed like I was already in even though I haven't even started college yet and moved away from my parents yet. Although like another one of Mom's advices 'Expect the unexpected'. 

I lied on my bed for another 20 minutes before deciding to go down stairs to the kitchen to get some water. I slowly jumped off my humongous bed and tiptoed to my door that would lead me to the main hallway. Trying not to be heard by my parents I slowly tiptoed down the three flights of stairs, one stair at a time.  

Once I finally got down the stairs I swerved through the long hallways until I got to our kitchen. I then went over to one of the cupboards by the sink and grabbed a glass and then walked over to the refrigerator to get some water. I filled my glass up when I heard a small clank. I turned around and was about ready to grab a knife. I quickly searched around and saw nothing so I pushed off the feeling of being scared. It was probably just a twig or branch hitting the house. 

To help get rid of the feeling I quickly gulped down my water but still feeling thirsty and having a dry throat from crying all night I quickly went over to the refrigerator and filled my glass up with water again. Again I gulped down the water. I still felt thirsty but didn't get more water knowing that if I drank to much I would probably have to go to the bathroom really badly at 3 in the morning. I don't know about you but I want to get as much sleep in as I can before I have to get up the next day.


There it was again. Then I heard a soft knock at the front door. I quickly got a knife and then stayed still and silent waiting for the person to go away. But they didn't. 

I could hear the front door slowly open. As soon as I heard the door squeak open I starts slowly inching towards the staircase to go up to my room. I did not want to be alone if there was a murder or psychopath in our house I knew if I could get to my brother or dad in time they would probably be able to protect me if I gave them the knife I had in my hand. To bad I didn't have the phone but I couldn't get since it was by the small table by the front door showing all of the visitors our family photos, Zach and I's childhood photos, and Zach's graduation photos from high school. 

I was now very close to the staircase I just needed to tiptoe their and up the stairs. The only problem was that my line to the staircase was visible from the front door. Meaning if the person who was ow in our house was still by the front door they would be able to see me. As I edged to the end of the wall I slowly pulled my head around from the wall. I snuck a quick peak and saw a tall figure covered in black. I quickly pulled my head back to the safety behind the wall separating me from this maniac. I was gasping and I knew it was loud.  

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