Chapter 6

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Hey guys! Here is another Chapter for Heart for a Heart. And I am sorry it took so long. But I hope you guys enjoys this one. Oh and I would love to here who you guys are fans of!


After my little encounter with Mason he gave me a ride home so I could clean up and then we could go back out.

            As Mason stopped in front of my driveway. He jokingly said “, Okay, ten minutes and that is it.”

“Fine, I guess,” I played along. Mason and I have only known each other for about 20 minutes but it feels like we have known each other for our whole lives. Which is weird since I only knew his name and that his dad is one of swim coaches. We said we would save the ‘getting to know each other’ part for when we got coffee or hot chocolate. The whole ride here we kept on bickering over what to have as a drink I said hot chocolate but he said coffee. But the bickering was more joking than actually fighting.

            As I ran up on my lawn I felt the grass tickling my feet and remembered I had thrown my shoes on the lawn. I quickly ran back to right in front of Mason’s car and picked up my silver high heels. They were right where I had left them.

“Come on. Move it,” Mason joked.

I quickly ran over to the front door, almost tripping on the steps.I moved one of pots that held a plant in it so I could get the spare key. It might seem like only people in movies do that, but that is why my family chose to do it. No one would expect it in real life.

I put the key in the lock and turned it; I could just make out the sound of the click over the music coming down the street. I guess someone else had decided to throw another party also; probably a senior. I gently turned the knob of the door and tiptoed inside.

            If my dad was back, probably not, he would be sleeping and I did not want to wake him up after what had happened to us in the past 36 hours. I quickly tiptoed over to the banister and then up to my room. I quickly pulled off my dress not even caring if I had ripped the seams. I quickly walked over to the hamper and threw my dress into it. Then I went back to my dresser and pulled out my orange tank top with the sparkled peace sign and some jean shorts.

I quickly rushed to my door and pulled it open not even caring if my dad was home. Stomping down the stairs I heard a door open and knew my dad was home and I had just awoken him.

            “Hey, are you going out again? It’s already 11.”

“I know I’m just going out with some friends to get some coffee. Alright? I’ll be back sometime around 1, probably,” I said in a huffy tone.

            “Okay. And Aria you better not be lying to me and be going somewhere with Josh. He is a good kid but I do not want any sex between you two at this time of life. Okay?” he asked. God what the heck was he thinking. I would never have sex at this stage of life. That was for girls who have dresses that are cut so low that there boobs are sticking out and the bottom is so low that it looks like their wearing a stretchy shirt. And that is basically what I told him.

“Dad why would I have sex at this age. Sex is for girls who can’t find a guy to stick with them long enough to have a real relationship,” I said. But still little did he know that Josh and I were over. Forever.

“Okay, go have fun sweety,” he said as I rushed down the stairs.

            “ And 49 seconds to spare,” Mason said holding his imaginary watch in front of his face.

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