Chapter 3

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Sorry I know it is another short one again but I felt it would be better this way than dragging on about something. But I hope you also listen to the song at the side. Anyways hope you enjoy


“DAD!” I screamed as I ran throughout the halls of the hospital. It the worst possible feeling in my life but I knew I would probably have it soon again. I felt mad but sad, disturbed and confused, but most of all just ashamed. I didn’t know at all why but I was ashamed. Maybe because I had seen my mom sick and just thought it was cold. But I didn’t even know what was wrong with her yet. Maybe it was because I noticed she wasn’t home yet. All  I felt was ashamed.

As I ran through the halls I could feel the draft pushing me back but all I did was run harder. Josh was running right behind me. I didn’t know if he was letting me go ahead or I was so freaked out that I was actually running faster than him.

After I got the phone call from my dad I had gone silent. Josh could just here me go silent and he knew it wasn’t a kind where we don’t know what to talk about. We had passed that stage of dating a long time ago. He knew something was wrong. So he pulled over into the nearest parking lot and asked what was wrong.

For a long time I didn’t answer. I was too scared about everything. Whether it was admitting that my mom was in the hospital or it was because I was scared since she was in the hospital and I didn’t want to see her like that.

I just sat in the car so the only thing Josh did was hold me and tell me that everything was going to be fine. And that was where my breaking point hit. I just started balling out the truth that my mom was in the hospital  and I had no clue why.

When I looked up saw Josh’s face it was a mix emotion of anger and sadness. His mom and my mom had known each other for a long time and now their kids were dating. Josh was like her second son and my mom was like a second mom to him.

After I had stopped balling out the truth Josh just sat their with this serious look on his face. It was like he didn’t know if he should take me to the hospital or sit in the car where it had started raining.

It was weird how that worked out because it always seemed like it would start raining when the movie got to the sad part and sometimes the happy part. But I now understood why. Seemed like rain had two meanings.        

One was peaceful and happy where it was just a light sprinkle and then their was the sad and dark one where it thundered so hard that the earth would actually move and make it move with you. But whoever is in charge of whether rain is soft or hard I think they got it mixed up because it was this soft drizzle that just dripped down the window.

         Now as I ran down the halls of the hospital my slick wet hair slapped my face and was probably splaying onto Josh’s face as we ran. But I never looked back all I could do was keep running I had to find my mom and find out what was wrong with her. In my mind I could see her soft weak hands. She is usually so strong with these muscles from swimming but I knew she wouldn’t look this way when I found her. Maybe never again.

         Once I found my father I couldn’t help but crash into him. I couldn’t help having those two tiny drops drizzle down my face. I couldn’t help but not let go of him.

My father looked like his usuall self a little stuble on his face, bright blue eyes (even when something like this was happening), dark brown wavy hair, and a smile that reassures everyone...usually. He was in a suit. He probably came straight from work. My father worked as a lawyer so he always had to wear something dressy.

         “ How is she?” I asked in a normal tone but it felt like a mumble.

         “She is fine. The doctors are trying hard to figure out what has happened with her body. Look, if your mother was awake she wouldn’t want you crying like this okay. She is tough and you know that. Okay?” my dad asked.

         “Okay,” I said. Just then I could feel Josh rubbing my back. I didn’t have to turn around to know it was him. I knew he would always be their for me.

We sat in the waiting room for about an hour waiting for my mother’s doctor to come talk to us. Every time a doctor would pass I would look hoping it was my mother’s. I was so anxious to find out what was wrong with my mother.

Finally after the hour had passed and a  man in a teal colored suit with a lab coat over it walked over to us. I could tell he was a doctor already. He had olive colored skin and dark brown hair that almost looked black. He had dark brown eyes that almost blended in with his pupils. His lips were pressed together in an awkward way than others but I could tell he did this a lot.

“Hello, I am Dr. Ace,” the man says walking up to us. “ We have found the problem in Mrs. Mary Wayte. Why don’t you come with me.”

The man walked away but we all followed. I was glad Josh was their it comforted me more and I knew he really did care about my mother. Dr. Ace stopped infront of a window and like follow the leader we all stopped and turned.

Through the window I could see my mother. My prediction had been right. She was weak and not the strong woman I had known my whole entire life.  

“ We have found that Mrs. Wayte has…”

Here it comes I thought.

“Breast Cancer.”

I was shocked everyone says two words can change your life. And in a way they can. But everyone thinks the words are I do. But my two words are Breast Cancer.


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