Chapter 2

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Hope you enjoy!


As the days went on everyone had to face it. School was back and there was no more tropical island get-aways or ski slopes holidays. The only good thing about school being back was that meant house parties and dates would soon start up again. And the first date to come would be Josh’s and mine. More specifically our one year anniversary.

            Right nowa school is done for the day and I was sitting under the trees by the football field. It was still Monday. Everyone was relieved that the first day back at school was over. But we now had to deal with the massive pile of assignments in our backpacks.

“So when is your next date with Josh?” Kara asked with a bunch of girls hovering over us. This always happened. Ever since Kara and I started dating Cameron and Josh a year ago girls have been wondering what it is like to crush our lips to the two hottest guys in our grade.

“Um, I don’t know. He hasn’t asked me yet,” I stuttered. I always got nervous when Josh hasn’t asked me out in a while. My palms get sweaty, I would have a huge headache over stressing about why Josh hadn’t asked me, and my toes would wiggle from being nervous. It was always very nerve-wracking.

“What?” Rachel almost screamed. She was one of those girls who would always hover over us when we were talking about boyfriends. I could tell she wanted one really badly, but after one bad party where she got drunk and went to bed with a boy the reputation of the school slut stuck to her. I know she didn't like to be called that but after that one party all guys wanted to do was get in bed with her. I guess she could have prevented that name by not hooking up with so many boys, but still I felt bad for her.

“Your one year anniversary is coming up on Friday and he hasn’t told you anything about it. Honestly that is just plain rude," Rachel continued on.

            “Look we just got back from spring break and I bet he didn’t want to ask me on the phone instead of asking me in person,” I said. But I don’t think I was fooling anyone, not even myself. I was already starting to get a headache from worrying to much.

            For the rest of practice Kara and I talked until the guys were finished. They had football practice almost every day even if it wasn't football season. Their coach wanted them always to be ready even though everyone knew football would not change seasons. So usually while they were practicing Kara and I would sit under the trees and talk, unless there was a fashion emergency.

            “Hey,” Josh said giving me his trademark of a peck on the lips and then deepening it just a tiny bit.

            “Hi,” I said while looking around him to see Kara glaring at me while walking over to Cameron’s car with him.

            “So, I know it’s kind of late but do you have plans on Friday? Well at least I hope you don't. You wouldn't forget our anniversary, right?” I let out a sigh. I guess there was nothing to worry about after all.

            “Why would I forget?” I ask him. Teasing him by bringing back our kiss from a few seconds earlier. But it wasn't exactly a kiss. More of a make-out.


After talking and kissing at school for a long time Josh took me to the Dairy Queen in the down town area. This was something we always did whether it was with Cameron and Kara or just by ourselves. We usually tried to change it up every day. Sometimes we would go out for food other times we would go to the park. It was always like a tiny date; it wouldn't actually be a date just something nice to do.

Heart for a HeartМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя