Chapter 4

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Isolophilia Odessa's POV

"One day your going to understand, Isolophilia I was meant to kill her not fall in love with her." father said this with pity as he picked me up from the ground. All I could do is stare at my mothers lifeless body, blood spreading across the floor and tears filling my eyes.

"Don't cry little one together we will do great things." The imagines of my father stabbing my mother filled my head over and over and over, the blood, her eyes, the tears.

I sat straight up in my bed, trying to catch my breath from panting so hard, sweat dripped down my face and my pillowed was soaked. I reached for the glass of water on my nightstand and sipped it. This wasn't the first time I've had nightmare's but they don't get any easier or more bearable maybe its because there not nightmares, they are memories.

I slipped out of bed and threw on my hoodie and tied up my high top converse. I needed to get out of this room and get some air. Creeping down the stairs into the common room I noticed a figure on the couch staring deep into the fire, I could have sworn they were talking to the fire but I didn't stop to question it, carefully I snuck out of the room meeting the hallway, it was pitch black considering it was like 1 in the morning, I took out my wand from my plaid pajama pants and casted Lumos.

Harrys Pov

"I will see you In time my boy." Sirius says.

"but-" I was cut off.

  "No buts, your as stubborn as your father you know." I smiled.

Before I could reply I heard the light footsteps of someone coming down the stairs in the direction of the girls dormitories.

"I have to go." I said in a nervous tone, considering if I were ever to be caught well I wouldn't want to find out. When I looked at the figure I noticed it was Isolophilia, I could tell she was trying her best to not draw any attention to herself, and if we were in a room with 3 other people she probably would succeed. I didn't question why she was up so late considering I was as well but I was intrigued by the fact she actually left the common room and that was strictly prohibited especially with umbridge in the works not to mention. I had the urge to follow her, I got up and waited about 30 second's before I left for the common room after her. After Casting Lumos I took out The Marauders Map and followed her all the way to a small river past the Forbidden Forest. 'What is she doing in the forbidden Forest?' I asked myself. I watched her for a few minutes before I made my presence known.

Isolophilia's POV

"Couldn't sleep?" I looked up to see Harry his hair was messy and he looked sleep deprived "Sorry if I spooked you." he said

"You didn't, I knew you were following me." I stared him right in the eye till he itched his head uncomfortably.

"Why didn't you say anything?" I didn't reply and just stared at the moonlight bouncing off the water.

"Your have extreme Isolophilia don't you?"

"Excuse me?"

"Your name it mean strong affection for being alone." I was stunned as those words came out of his mouth

"I know what my name means it's just, it's just nobody every has noticed that."

"So you admit it."

"What no." I stated with so many things going through my mind.

"I mean I prefer it but." I sighed as I stared at him then looked down
"Nobody wants to be alone."  I whisper very quiet under my breath but the look on his face tells me he very much heard it.

"So why do you isolate yourself?"

"My name." I paused then sighed
"it's not necessarily a feeling of liking it's more like a curse at birth, given to me with great intent." I finished. Shocked by the fact I just shared something about myself for the first time, even more shocked it was of all people him. My name was given to me by my father as a friendly daily reminder of who I am no matter what, a reminder I can never have friend's, never have a family, a reminder that I will destroy anything and everything I touch.

"Its only a curse if you allow it to be a curse" my eyes slightly widen after harry said those words.

"So do you have any sentimental meaning behind your name?" I asked him

"Harry uhh I mean I am hairy like really hairy." I couldn't help but smile "but if we are to be serious even if my name had some mysterious meaning I wouldn't know, my parents were murdered when I was a baby." As Harry said this I noticed how he clenched his jaw, the smile on my face was now gone and all  I could do is stare at him.

"Don't worry I'm not going to tell you how sorry I am and give you the 'if you need someone to talk to' speech, I tend to notice people who haven't gone through complicated circumstances don't understand we don't want there pity." I said but by the look on his face I think pity was exactly what he was looking for. "I am sorry about the fact the pain never goes away, people say give it time but in reality it will always be there it will always hurt."

Harry Potters POV

When those words slipped out of her mouth so effortlessly I was wordless. She described how I felt better than I could ever imagine it. This girl I only had met days ago has filled voids in me by just the touch of her words, its like she understands my pain. As she was turned away I continued to observe her, she had long dark messy hair, and eyes, her eyes are cold and emotionless but filled with passion and determination. One eye was a very dark brown while the other was a sage green they enchanted me. She had freckles across her naturally blushed cheeks and nose. When I snapped back into reality she was still staring down into the water, her hair was tucked behind her ear and it allowed me to see something I didn't notice at first glance, it appeared she had scars on the left side of her face dragging from above her eyebrow to under her eye, it made me even more interested.

"I umm, my mom was murdered and weeks later my father died from unfortunate causes, that's just how I feel when people give me sympathy." I wouldn't show it but I did feel sympathy for her and not just because I had a feeling there was more to her story, I mean there's more to mine.

"I feel the same way." I was staring at her staring in the water, she smiled.

"Should we get back." I nodded.

I hardly knew her but of what I do we have so much in common.

Isolophilia's POV

Harry got up and reached his had out for mine, I was hesitant but I gave him my hand and he pulled me up. We walked back through the Forbidden Forest and entered the school cautiously without being caught, we made our way to the stairs when I felt the temperature of my surroundings drop, it appeared Harry didn't notice. Suddenly I heard the light whisper of my name I turned back and stared into the dark shadows of the night, As I stood there, I felt it, the burning sensation coursing through my veins, shivers running up my spine the same feeling I had when Hermione got hurt at the quidditch pitch, though this time it was stronger.


"Sorry, I umm think I dropped my ring I'm going to go back."

"I'll come with you" I couldn't tell if he was asking or demanding.

"No, it's alright I'll go get it and I'll be back, you should get rest you look like you haven't slept in days."

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