Chapter 10

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Isolophilia Odessa's POV

"It's beautiful isn't it." A voice says from behind me.

His face was cloaked in the shadows of the night, but it didn't matter, I could recognize that voice anywhere.

"Harry!" my heart raced in my chest as I looked back to see him, his green eyes illuminated upon the moonlight as he stepped out of the shadows.

"Let me guess, couldn't sleep?" Harry questioned. I gave him a light nod and reached my hand up to scratch the side of my head in discomfort.

"Yes it is beautiful." I replied to his previous question.

Harry Potter's POV

We continue to stare out towards the stars for some time. Without her noticing I observed her presence. I have missed it these last few days. Her natural hair was left down, strands tucked away behind her ear allowing me to see her scar once again.

She had dark circles under her eyes, screaming she hasn't slept in days. I couldn't help but think that had something to do with me, I should have said something, instead I ran like a coward.

"Do you ever think that your dreams could be real?" she asked, still facing the night sky.

"Depends," I replied "Want to talk about it?"

she remained silent.

"I should get back." As she turned around to walk out the door I grabbed her hand.

"Wait."I say.

She turned around shrugging off my hand.

"Stay! I know you didn't bring a blanket up here just cause." I walked over to a cleared space on the floor and sat down, directing her with my hand to come sit beside me, and she did. I grabbed the blanket she was desperately trying to cover the both of us with but the blanket was too small, I decided to move closer to her, allowing the blanket to cover both of us.

"In all honesty." I began "I do think dreams could be real, at least mine have." she quickly lifted her head towards me with wide eyes, I noticed her hand began to shake slightly under the blanket. I reached my hand to grab hers and held it calming her nerves.

"I can't sleep."

"Well I guess it's more of won't sleep, my mind has the scary capability of being dark and demented." she finished, I was speechless.

"Harry, I'm not the person you think I am...people get scared of me because of the scars on my face, but they don't know how I got them, I can't even begin to imagine how you would feel about me if you knew how I got them, and even who I am, what I am! I don't want to hurt you." she sobbed into my shoulder. I have never seen her like this, ever. She always has a straight face and occasionally would crack a smile or a giggle, it's clear to me now she's remarkably Eccedentesiast.

I took my hand to her cheek and cuffed her jaw in my hand. I wiped her tears away then looked into her heterochromia eyes. So many emotions filled them as I brushed stray hairs behind her ear.

"Look I don't care who you are or where you got your scars, I only care about you." At those words more tears escaped her puffy eyes, I pulled her into a tight hug she hesitated but to my surprise she hugged back, she hugged me like she's never been hugged before.

And it broke my heart.


"I don't sleep. My mind has the scary capability of being dark and demented."

"You are afraid of your dreams?"

"Yes," he said quietly.

-lucid dream society

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