Chapter 9

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Isolophilia Odessa's POV

Picking up a flat stone around the size of my palm, I grip the stone and hold it with my thumb and middle figure, I firmly hook my index figure around the edge. I then released the stone watching it skim across the lake creating a rippling effect, I counted 6 skips before it suddenly stops and sinks into the darkness of the lake.

Turning around I run up to Harry who's back faced me, I swing my arms around his neck from the back and sway back and forth.

"Let's fly, fly far away, away from everything, everyone." I whisper in his ear.

He turns around as I still hold him close, picking me up into the air I cry out in excitement as he twirls me around, I smile as he puts me down, my palms are up against his muscular chest and he leans in cupping my jaw and pulling us even closer than before forcing our foreheads to connect I smirk lightly as he continues to move closer to my lips, his nose brushes mine but before our lips touch he pulls away.

"If only." he mumbles, I stare at him in confusion.

"If only you weren't a monster, everywhere you go death follows, I could, no I would never love you!"

as those words effortlessly left his tongue I felt my heart sink inside me, a single tear slithered down my cheek.

I backed away from him slowly as this moment replayed over and over in my mind till I noticed I had backed up to the point I was standing in the lake, I stood still for a moment taking in my surrounding when suddenly something reached up and grabbed my leg, the black colored substance spread up my body pulling me down one limb at a time. Its unbearable burning sensation made me scream in agony as I resisted. The cold water prickled my skin. I looked up hoping Harry would have had some sort of sympathy for me, to help me, but he was nowhere to be seen, and I didn't blame him.

He was right.

I released one last shrill cry for help as the substance reached across every inch and aspect of my face, my arm impulsively reached upwards with the hope that someone, anyone would grab it.  My whole being was now consumed by the darkness, I stopped resisting and accepted my fate, I was going to die and that was ok.

I darted my eyes open pushing myself up from the comfort of my bed, my insides twirl and cold sweat runs down my face. I quickly push the blankets off of my body and run to the bathroom feeling the cold tiles of the floor brush on my bare feet. When I get to the toilet, I feel as if I have emptied all of my insides, and trust me there was a lot considering how much I had to drink last night. I felt Hermione come up next to me grabbing my hair then rubbing my back, I enjoyed her comfort and I wanted it to last forever. I have awoken from my nightmare but still I find no relief.

4 day Time skip

Over the last few days I have focused all my energy and attention on my school work and quidditch practices, avoiding everyone.

The voice in my head has become louder and the days have become longer. I feel I am suffocating in the darkness that consumes me.

But I'm fine.

I'll always be fine.

It was around 12pm as I laid on the comfort of my bed deep in thought. I couldn't sleep, to think of it I haven't slept in days, afraid of what I might experience next if I close my eyes. I decide it's time to get a new change of scenery. I knew tonight Professor Aurora Sinistra would not be holding lessons in the Astronomy tower for she had other business to attend. So the astrology tower is where I'll go. Lacing my high top converse and throwing on a grey hoodie, I then grabbed a medium sized blanket with a knitted pattern from my trunk and made my way towards the tower making sure not to be caught.

As I climbed up the stairs greeted by the doors I opened them carefully not making noise. I walked up to the starry view and observed the night sky in awe, wondering of all the possibilities out there beyond our world.

"It's beautiful isn't it." A voice says from behind me.


"Everywhere you go,

death follows.

You always want

to save everyone.

What you don't realize is

your the one we need saving from"

-Raven Reyes (my favorite show that's not anime The 100)

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