Chapter 6

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Isolophilia Odessa's POV

"Ready for your first day as one of our new chaser." George asks.

"Don't blame me when we start losing games." I smirked. And still they have no idea, did I also forget to mention I used to play quidditch with some people from the uhh anyways we I- I was the 'star player' they called me, I smiled slightly at the memory.

"You'll be great." Harry said from behind me.

"And even if you're not, at least you get to tell people you played with the amazing Weasley twins in your lifetime." Fred said.

"Forgetting your not the only star Weasley's on the team I see." a girl with long red hair came up and put her arm around Ron.

"In your wildest dreams little sis." Fred winked, as the girl rolled her eyes and took her arm off of Ron to cross them.

"I have no doubt in my mind you're the better Weasley." I smiled towards her and she returned the smile.

"Hey!" George yells.

"You must be Isolophilia, I'm Ginny the sister of the dim witted Ron, George, and Fred."

"It's a pleasure to meet you and please call me Odessa." I replied.

"So Ginny and Hermione get to call you Odessa but we can't." Fred asks.

"I was only joking, you really are all dim witted." I replied then looked towards Ginny and we giggled.

"Where's Hermione?" I ask.

"Library, getting infor-" Ron was cut off by Harry elbowing him and he groaned from how hard Harry hit him.

"She's in the library studying for her uh charms test yeah charms test." I stared at him with confusion, I knew he was lying but I just shook it off, it wasn't my business.

Soon after we left for the quidditch pitch, Harry gave me an old broom that he once used and we took off, tryouts lasted what felt like two hours, but I didn't mind. I enjoyed it, I enjoyed the distraction. Apparently I surprised everyone over how good I was at quidditch, they never bothered to ask how they just assumed I was a natural and that's for the best. After I was welcomed to the team officially, I left with Ron, Ginny and Harry to meet Hermione in the great hall for dinner, this was the first time I stayed and ate dinner with anyone in the great hall so it was strange but I enjoyed the way I felt.

"So who are you taking to the ball?" Hermione asked the boys.

"A ball?" I questioned, all eyes were on me

"What are you all staring at me for?" I asked

"Hogwarts is hosting a ball before the big quidditch championship after winter break." Ron says.

"You mean to tell us you had no idea there was a ball, do you even have a dress?" I just stared at her.

"Oh my god, YOU DON'T. We must find you a date and a dress and-"

"Who said I was going" I protested.

"Don't be silly of course you are." when I didn't reply she let out a sigh.

"You really aren't going." she said looking sad, I stayed quiet for a few moments before I replied.

"Fine, I'll go but I'm not going with a date." she smiled.

"Works for me but I'm not sure about how the line of guys who were planning to ask you will feel." I spit out the water I was about to sip down, the 3 of them giggled at this.

"excuse me!" I said and She smirked.

"And if you don't have a dress don't worry, Ginny and I know we're the perfect ball gowns are purchased." Hermione said.

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