Chapter 11

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Isolophilia Odessa's POV

"I'm sorry." I mumbled under my faded sobs still wrapped in Harry's warmth. 

"For what?"

"You clearly wanted alone time and I just ruined it-

like I ruin everything." I whispered the last few words.

"I would rather be with you over being alone any day."

I wanted to cry more but I held it in. I never wanted anyone, especially Harry to see me like this to see me so vulnerable. I just don't understand why does he care so much, why does he care so much about me!?

"Don't be afraid of your dreams, they're not there to scare you. They're there to let you know that something is worth it."

The last thing I remember is leaning my head against his shoulder, his body warmth was sending shivers down my spine and those last words spoken so softly were on repeat in my head, I finally drifted off into a deep sleep.

Time skip

"Crap." I Groaned, I slept past 9 am. I missed my first class. I didn't have time to shower so I threw my hair up into a ponytail and threw on my robe. I grabbed my books and rushed out the room. When I found the door to the class I had kicked it open in an extremely ungraceful manner, that's when I realized I screwed up. I was so concerned about the fact I was late I didn't think to consider my second class was none other than snakes I mean Snape's potions class.

I smiled slightly towards the class in a 'I'm definitely going to be killed manner' and slowly walked to the empty seat beside Harry.

Before I could sit down a tall dark figure slammed books down on my desk, I didn't jump but I noticed students in the back of the class did. The figure seemed to be glaring at me disapprovingly.

"Do you have a reason for disrupting my class other than the lack of ability to wake yourself up." I didn't reply.

"See me after class miss 'James'."

I sat down turning towards Harry and smiled. I was hesitant as I reached for my notes, Confusion was the first and foremost emotion to come forth, for why would I need to stay back longer for being late.

I lean my head on Harry's shoulder not really caring to get in trouble again.

"Nice going" Harry whispers smiling. I hit him quietly and smiled back.

After class

"Good luck." Harry whispers before exiting the room.

I stacked my books and walked towards snape's desk, he faced the window in silence moments before he spoke.

"I've been watching you James, or shall I say riddle." my eyes widen.

"You're smart and you have hid yourself this far but you can't change the fact you look just like him." Snape continued.

"I don't know if I should take that as a compliment or not." I replied.

"What are you doing here?"

"Seeking better education of course." I smirked.

"I'm serious."

"I do as well." I say with a straight face. Snape glared at me once again.

"If your sudden arrival was provoked by the rumors of your fathers return, turn back now for they are just rumors" 

My father....back?

"Who and why would someone spread such rumors about my father returning?" I ask.

"I'm not sure why you don't ask the boy you sit next to in my class." My eyes widen once again.

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