Ch 8- Will he understand ?

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Isolophilia Odessa's POV

"Harry!" I said repeating one more time so he can hear me over the loud music, he looked up to meet my eyes.

"I'm sorry if I freaked you out earlier," he didn't reply. The tension was high.

"I'm going to try and find Hermione and Ginny, see you around." I said, he smiled but I knew that smile was fake when it faded off his face as I turned away.

"Odessa, over here," I heard a voice yell. It appeared to be Ron.

"You need to try this." he Insisted.

I stared at him dead in the eye and noticed his blood shot eyes making me laugh out loud.

"Oh hey Odessa." Ginny said and then as fast as she was here she was gone walking up to a girl that I've seen in my charms class and straight up pushed her against the wall and kissed her with a bottle of alcohol in her hand.

"And they say romance is dead." I say still observing the two. "Yeah I think I'm the only one who says that." I sigh.

"so..." Ron says snapping me back to reality I sway my head and sigh.

"Give it to me already."

Ron gives me the plant-like substance and I hit it.

"Where did you get this?" before he could answer he almost trips but I stick my arm out to stop his fall.

"Not sure I think Fred got it from some students in Hufflepuff." he slurred his words.

I looked around the room and noticed Hermione talking to Neville and this girl named Luna who I ran into a few weeks back. She is extremely fascinating and a great friend.

Ginny and her mysterious lover appeared to be missing out of sight, I smirked. Suddenly I feel a hand being wrapped around my shoulder. It was George and Fred.

"Sup lover boys." I say to them.

The twins got on one knee and reached for my hands George kissing my left and Fred kissing my right, I giggled.

"Oh our queen Isolophilia Odessa James, do us the honor and dance with us." George pleaded, a huge smile plastered on my face, I pulled the twins up and took them to the center of the room where students are dancing, the loud music, flashing lights, and whatever's in my system is really making me feel euphoric at the moment. As we sway with the beat of the music, I feel George behind me tracing his hands up and down my waist, while Fred is in front of me I wrap my arms around his neck from behind. It feels as if time has slowed as we jump up and down moving with the music. After a few moments I pulled one arm off of Fred and put that hand on George's neck. I lean my head back into the side of his neck, Fred turns around and pulls me away from George, and he picks me up.

"Piggy back ride." I yell laughing nonstop. As I am on Fred's back he walks us over to a table to find Ron, dean, and Seamus playing beer pong with a few other students.

"Oh come on." Ron says.

"Not again." Ron grabs a bottle of alcohol and puts it up to his mouth, I throw my arm up in the air as I am on Fred and start yelling.

"chug it! Chug it! Chug it!" Quickly I notice the rest of the students around the table have joined it, Ron finishes the bottle and throws it down, almost falling backwards suddenly Hermione comes out of nowhere and catches him.

"Lightweight!" I yell at Ron.

"Let's see you do it then your majesty." Ron says rolling his eyes at the twins, trying hard not to fall over. I jump off of Fred's back and walk over to the table with an unopened bottle of alcohol, walking back over to Ron I open the bottle, before I put it up to my mouth I smirk and gave Ron a wink, as I chug the liquid I hear everyone around me chanting as we did Ron, I finish the bottle and throw it on the ground breaking the glass.


After a long Hour of fooling around, the effect of my careless decisions finally kicked in.

Feeling light headed I slipped through the crowd with no one noticing I left and danced by myself running my hands up and down my body and through my hair, moving and swaying with the beat of the music. I continue for several moments and look around the room.

The one person I wanted here dancing with me more than anyone wasn't here. I start making my way through the crowd finding the doors of the room. I open the door just enough for my body to squeeze through, walking out of the room dragging my feet I walk down what feels like a never ending hallway.

"Harry!" I yell.

"Harry I have something to say." I slurred and continued yelling his name.

Suddenly I feel the weight of my body drag me down, before I touch the ground I feel someone from behind grab my waist pulling me up.

"Harry?" I asked with my eyes closed and smiling.

"Not Harry." the figure says with disgust.

"I need to find Harry." I mumbled

"What you need to do is to not walk around these halls alone, especially in your condition."

"What's that supposed to mean." I feel the figure scoop me up and carry me all the way back to the gryffindor common room, to my bed. I feel the figure grab my boots and throw them to the ground, throwing my sheet on me and walking away. As the figure walks over to the door I notice it was malfoy.

"How did you know the room password?" I asked not in the mood or as he phrased 'condition' to start a fight.

"None of your concern." he says before turning around and exiting the room, I fall into a deep sleep immediately.

"I'm sorry O for everything." Draco thought.

4 hours ago

"It wasn't you or your was me."

I replied as Harry stared at me in confusion. I drop my flannel to the ground and turn around exposing my back that was littered in scars. I then move my hair out of the way revealing my neck so he would see it.

"I thought I was the only one." I muttered.

"The only one to survive a killing curse."

Though what I told him about my lightning bolt shape like scar is true it's not the reason I ran, the only other person in the world who survived the curse was a boy who happened to be targeted by a certain dark wizard, I see now that boy is Harry.

Not only have I been completely and utterly blind and clueless, I have made the biggest mistake I could have ever made.

Bringer of Obscurum ( Harry Potter x OC) Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ