7 - Late Night Out

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Friday, May 15th, 8:45 pm

Tonight was Atlas's first night at the piano bar; she had spent the last two nights preparing sets of music that were fitting for Brandy's environment. The last two nights of practicing paid off as Atlas got a huge round of applause from the busy Friday night crowd after her second set. What made her even happier was the boatload of tips she didn't know she'd be getting. At first, she wasn't super thrilled with the hourly rate, but the money from the supportive audience did more than make up for the bad pay. Even after her first set, the literal bucket of tips the piano players used was almost half full, and they were all for her.

She adored playing on the nine-foot grand piano; her sound on it was beautiful and it filled the entire restaurant. She chose a more modern repertoire for the night, playing beautiful jazz ballads, jazz standards, and contemporary music; the audience loved her selection. "So you can actually play piano," Danny said as she approached him at the bar to get a drink.

"Well, if I were you, I would've found that out before you hired me," she said, taking a sip of her non-alcoholic drink. She didn't lie about her age on her application, so she wouldn't be allowed to have any alcohol at the bar.

"I took my chances... Keep it up, kid. You're pretty good." Danny gave her a pat on the shoulder as he got up from his seat and headed back to his office for the rest of the night.

She was ordering herself some dinner to-go when someone approached her from behind. "Can I make a request?" she heard from behind her. She turned around, slightly startled at the man standing behind her. The man had light brown hair and green-grey eyes and was smirking at the piano player. He had to be in his late twenties, but Atlas still found him handsome.

"Um, sure," she said, giving a tight smile to the man.

"Do you know Emily?"

"Yeah, of course. Great choice. Can I get the name of the person requesting the tune?" Atlas asked, holding out her hand for the man to shake.

"Joel," The man said, taking Atlas's hand.

"Atlas," she responded with a small smile.

"I know. You're name's up on the sign at the front." Atlas hadn't noticed before, but now that she looked back at the front, her name was plastered on the glass in temporary marker.

"Oh. Wow. I guess it is," she said laughing a little. "So are you here with anyone tonight?"

"Nah, it's just me. A friend told me that Brandy's hired a new piano player, so I just came to check out the new blood."

"Do you play?"

"Piano? No. Not well, at least; I play bass," Joel said. "Hey, if you want, after your last set, we could stop by my place and jam a little bit."

Atlas knew exactly what he meant. There'd be no "jamming" when they got back to his place. "Yeah, I'd like that."


Saturday, May 16th, 12:33 am

Joel was the first guy Atlas had ever given her real number to after sex. They actually did end up playing music a little, but it still ended with the two lying down together naked on Joel's couch.

"I should probably go, I have to get up early tomorrow," Atlas said as she started to lift Joel's limp arm off her body.

"You can stay the night if you want, I can take the couch and you can go to the bed. If not, then I can call you a cab," Joel responded still recovering from their previous activity. Atlas had to admit, she was really tired (and a bit drunk), and not just from the really good sex she'd just had.

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