11 - New & Old

672 32 2

Monday, May 25th, 3:40 pm

"So you're an avatar?" Peter asked - pretty much yelled - excitedly.

"Yeah, just go and tell the whole world while you're at it," Atlas said in annoyance, but also enjoying Peter's curiosity.

"Ooh, sorry."

"And there's only one avatar, and apparently it's me."

"Is that supposed to be a good thing?" Peter asked, holding the door for Atlas as they entered Subway - the sandwich shop.

She took a moment to think about that answer. There were several theories in the part of the book she had about the avatar. Some thought that the avatar was only reincarnated in times of need, which would mean that there was some conflict on the rise that had something to do with other benders, meaning that there actually were other benders. And others thought that there was always an avatar no matter what, and was constantly being reincarnated no matter what - conflict or not. "I think it's just a thing," Atlas said, thinking of her newfound abilities as something else she'd have to learn to deal with. "I don't know if it's good or bad."

The man running the shop quickly took Atlas and Peter's order. "Also, I'm paying today, by the way," Peter said, as Atlas ordered barbeque sauce on her sub.

"No, you paid last time," Atlas complained.

"Yeah, because you paid the last two times because I forgot my card." The memory came back to Atlas.

"Right..." Atlas muttered, feeling guilty for some reason, even though Peter owed her money. "Are you coming to the tower or are you busy?"

"I can come for a couple of hours right now if that's okay," Peter said.

"Of course it's okay. I have a shift at six though."


3:58 pm

The two friends were almost back to the tower when Peter heard a scream in the distance. "Did you hear that?" Peter asked, suddenly on high alert.

"No?" Atlas questioned, forgetting that Peter had heightened senses. Another scream ripped through the air again, this time, just loud enough for Atlas to hear. "Oh my god," she muttered, starting to jog after the sound.

"Keep heading down that alley, I'll meet you there," Peter said pointing to the alley Atlas was facing while looking around the busy area, trying to find a place to change into his Spiderman suit.

Atlas ditched her backpack behind a dumpster in the alley as she started to take off into a jog, feeling for her glider in her inside jacket pocket and pulling it out. Atlas didn't know which way to go next. she stopped in the middle of the alley as it split into three other directions. "This way!" Peter yelled, swinging by her, and Atlas took off in a sprint to keep up with her friend.

Just as Atlas and Spiderman arrived - while making sure they were hidden so they could assess the situation - a woman was pulled into a headlock with a knife to her neck. The man that was holding the knife had a small cut across his cheek, probably from a punch; at least the woman had put up a fight. Two other men were in a van, ready to drive away, and three were out in the empty alley, armed and their eyes on the woman, ready to attack if she happened to escape. Peter lunged forward, ready to web up the men, but Atlas held him back. In a whisper, she said "You get her," Atlas pointed to the women, "And I'll get the guys in the van. Knock 'em out or web them up." Peter nodded in response and made his way up to the top of a building.

Atlas | Avatar!OC x Bucky BarnesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora