29 - So Many Questions

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Friday, July 3rd, 2:30 am (Indochina time)

The Avengers had learned that the firebender's name was Akio, he was the head of the fire tribe. After he and Atlas had made a deal, he lead the Avengers to the bending tribes' grounds. Ironically, their "grounds" weren't actually on the ground, and when Akio told everyone to look up, there were huts built in the tall trees and a maze of bridges that seemed to randomly attach one tree to another. It was anyone's dream treehouse - tree village. Akio had shown them the rope contraption that would quickly bring everyone up into the trees. The firebender was the first to go, and Atlas quickly followed; but instead of using the rope contraption, she gave herself a huge burst of air and jumped onto the large deck that Akio was standing on.

"Impressive," he had said as the rest of the Avengers and some of the tribe came up on the ropes five at a time. "I haven't seen an airbender jump that high since, well, your grandfather." Atlas only smiled at his comment.

When everyone when up in the trees, Akio was quick to show them the eight extra beds and rooms they had for the Avengers to sleep in. The team wasn't adjusted to the time in Laos, but Akio lived here, and he, along with the part of the tribe that had to get up to see the potential threat, was tired. He promised to take the Avengers on a tour of the place tomorrow and told them to try and get some sleep because they had a lot to discuss. Akio quickly left the Avengers to themselves.

The eight bedrooms were all lined beside one another, and it was easy to tell from the outside that the rooms were small. "He does realize there's nine of us, right?" Tony asked everyone after coming out of a room he had claimed for himself and left his Iron Man suit in.

"Way to take one for the team," Atlas said sarcastically to Tony.

"I can sleep on the floor in someone's room," Steve offered. Atlas looked over at Bucky, knowing that he was probably going to be sleeping on the floor anyways, whether or not his bed was available.

"No, it's okay," Atlas said. I brought a hammock with me."

"Where would you possibly set up a hammock?" Sam asked the avatar.

"It's a hammock for camping. Y'know the ones that you can set up in between two trees? And we're literally surrounded by trees," Atlas said, already starting to pull the synthetic material and rope out of her seemingly endless backpack of things.

Everyone was surprised at her preparation, but they all shrugged it off, secretly glad that they wouldn't have to sleep on the floor. Or in a hammock. They all said good night to each other and all went into random rooms until it was just Atlas and Bucky.

"You sure you're gonna be okay?" Bucky asked her. Half of his focus was on Atlas, and the other half was on the ground

"Yeah, of course. Hey, is it okay if I keep my bag in your room? I didn't really get the chance to ask anyone else," Atlas explained. Bucky stayed silent, still looking over the fenced wooden deck they were on. "Hey, are you gonna be okay?" she asked, snapping Bucky out of his trance.

"What? Oh. Yeah," Bucky said, managing to straighten up his face as he spoke, but still focusing on the ground beneath him.

"Right," Atlas muttered.

"And, uh, you can keep your things in my room if you want."

Atlas smiled in response before Bucky lead her down to the last unoccupied room at the very end of the deck. When they walked in, they were surprised at the space that the room provided given how small the outside looked, though it was still pretty small. All that was in the room was a bathroom and a twin-sized bed. How they managed to put a working bathroom in a glorified treehouse was another question that all the Avengers had yet to ask. There was even an outlet on one of the walls. On the other side of the room was another wooden door, matching the one at the front. Atlas walked towards the back of the room and opened the door to find a small balcony that looked out at the rest of the woods cluttered with trees. On her left was a row of small balconies that belonged to the other Avengers.

Atlas | Avatar!OC x Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now