22 - Arrival

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Sunday, June 21st, 1:30 pm

"Is this all the firewood?!" Bucky yelled across the large clearing.

"That should be it! We can always go get more if we need it!" Atlas yelled back at Bucky, who was counting the firewood just outside the cabin. Atlas was on the other end of the clearing, checking out the shed full of supplies.

When Atlas and Bucky got to the mountain, she had some trouble finding the cabin. She had to circle the mountain with Bucky a few times until Bucky spotted a large clearing on the south side of the mountain, just as Atlas had described. She considered herself lucky when she found that the cabin was still standing, along with the ground-level training mats that she and her grandfather had installed all those years ago. She even spotted the punching bag that she always used to use hanging from a tree that she always used to climb when she was bored. When she and Bucky walked inside the small cabin, everything was covered in dust, but it was just as she had left it four years ago. The bathroom and water were still working, and there were still two small bedrooms, and an open kitchen and living room with a small couch. The cabin brought back memories of some of the best and worst times that Atlas had with Li Wei.

Atlas finished up at the shed and walked across the clearing back to the cabin. Something she had forgotten about was the beautiful view of New York City's skyline that was present from the mountain. She grabbed the two large bags of food that she had bought at the market and hauled them up the stairs into the cabin.

"Is there anything else I can do?" Bucky asked from behind her, leaning on the doorway.

"I think that's all for now," Atlas responded. "I'm gonna call Tony, let him know we're here." Bucky nodded in response as Atlas took a seat on the old couch in the kitchen/living room area. She dialed Tony's number and put him on speaker.

"Atlas?" Tony asked through the phone.

"I'm here," she said. "And I'm okay. We have everything we need for the next few days."

"Where are you?" Tony asked.

"It's kinda hard to explain, but we're on Bear Mountain right now. It's an hour drive from the city."

"Who's we?" Tony asked as he carefully listen to Atlas's wording. Both Atlas and Bucky hadn't mentioned to anyone that she had spontaneously decided to bring Bucky with her.

"Well uh... I- Bucky's here with me. He wanted to tag along," Atlas said nervously, looking over at Bucky as he closed the cabin door and took a seat beside Atlas on the couch.

"What?!" Tony almost yelled into the phone.


"He's a wanted fugitive! Do you realize how much it took for me and Steve to get him to the tower? Let alone hide him from the public?"

"I know that," Atlas said calmly. "But we're literally in the middle of nowhere. It's been years and people still haven't found this place. And Bucky's been stuck at the tower for a while, I think he could use some time away from the city," she reasoned. Atlas looked to Bucky for approval of her reasoning, he nodded in agreement with what she was saying.

"...Fine, but this is your responsibility for as long as you guys are gone. I'm trusting you with this."

"I know. I'll call in a few days to let you know when we're heading back. Bye." Atlas hung up the phone. "If you're worried about being seen, I can fly you back whenever," she said to Bucky.

"No one knows that the government is looking for me. They don't want to alert the public and let them know there's an assassin on the loose," he said.

Atlas | Avatar!OC x Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now