35 - I Love You

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Saturday, July 4th, 2:18 pm

The Winter Soldier sat calmly in his chair. Memories escaped his mind as he waited for a command from his superior. Voices in the background blurred as his mind reset to a person that Bucky was not.

"Bucky... Bucky!" A familiar voice yelled. "What the hell did you do to him?!" Atlas asked in a panicked state. The soldier looked coldly over at Atlas, the emotions in his eyes were now gone. Something flickered in him as he looked at the girl that was bleeding out on the floor, but he pushed it down just as quickly as it came up.

"Kill them. Make sure they suffer," David demanded. He brushed off his blazer one last time before turning around and walking out of the room. The guards followed in an orderly manner.

Atlas and Steve both knew that David was leaving the three of them here to die. The bombs were set to go off any minute now, and it would be the sublevels that collapsed first when they went off. The girl looked nervously to Steve, who was now free from his cuffs. He rushed to stand up and fight, knowing that Atlas couldn't.

Steve was holding his own. Neither Bucky nor Steve was injured yet, but Atlas knew that she needed to get everyone out. All three of them. Bucky was clearly hellbent on killing them both, so he'd follow her and Steve wherever they went.

Atlas pulled her glider from its holster, mentally preparing for the possibility that she might not be able to get it back after what she was about to do with it. "It's been a good run," she said to the weapon she had engineered for herself. Atlas didn't hesitate to throw the collapsed glider right at Bucky's head. A wound was clearly formed at contact. Bucky was knocked out, but Atlas knew it wouldn't last long. She struggled to get up before Steve rushed over, practically heaving her whole body up and dragging her across the room. It even hurt for Atlas just to walk.

"What the hell was that for?" Steve asked.

"This place is about to blow, we need to lead him out of the base so he doesn't get hurt. Then we can deal with him," Atlas explained. the only flaw in her plan was the guards that would potentially be guarding the stairwell. But if one person from HYDRA knew that this base was about to blow up, every HYDRA employee would know in an instant, and the building would probably be evacuated.

Steve agreed with her plan. He had to admit that Atlas was really quick on her feet. She had come up with new plans faster than he ever could. He truly trusted her and knew that she'd be an amazing asset for the Avengers. Not that he already didn't know, but he was finally starting to realize it.

As they exited the room, Steve hoisted Atlas over his shoulder, knowing that everything would be faster if he carried her. Steve ran through the vault where they had been gassed before, and he ran out into the hall and towards the stairs.

Atlas thanked god for the guards not being there, they were definitely out of the building by now. Steve was about to sprint up the stairs before Atlas stopped him. "Wait!" she almost yelled.

"What?" Steve asked, thinking something was wrong.

"We need him to see us. Wait here for him to leave the vault," she said. Steve gently set her down. and wrapped his arm around Atlas for support. He put pressure on the gunshot in her pelvis and she groaned.

"Sorry," Steve said shyly.

"No, it's okay. I'd prefer not to pass out in the middle of this." Although Atlas couldn't bend, she could feel tons of elemental shifts beneath her feet, particularly shift in the earth. "...Shit," she said softly.

Just moments later, the Winter Soldier popped out from the vault with a trickle of blood coming down his face. Atlas knew it wasn't the most important thing in the world as of now, but she was relieved when she saw Bucky carrying her glider with him, though he still had the same emotionless look in his eyes. Both Steve and Atlas could see it from the stairs.

Atlas | Avatar!OC x Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now