34 - Wait it Out

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Saturday, July 4th, 1:56 pm

Atlas started to stir out of the sleep she had just been in moments ago. She was smart not to open her eyes as she listened in on the mumbling going on around her. She reminded herself that she had to get in contact with Tony somehow. She knew that once Tony was done, he'd be going back out to help the rest of the Avengers, so she decided to try the battlefield.

Atlas astral projected for the second time that day, she exited the small room that she was being held in, taking note of where it was relative to the giant vault that held all the other benders. Atlas didn't have time to look back and see who else was in the room. She barely had time to acknowledge the fact that her hands were chained to the wall behind her, just as the other benders were when they were being held captive.

Atlas's astral form flew up and out of the base. She tried to move high into the air so she could find Tony. He wasn't hard to spot as the Iron Man suit flew through the air to stop a bender from attacking Natasha. Atlas also spotted all the other Avengers; no one seemed to be too badly hurt, which she was thankful for. Atlas flew down to Tony and made herself visible.

"Tony," Atlas said, easily getting the man's attention.

Tony was quick to react. He knew that something was wrong. He flew away from the fight to an isolated area in the forest. "What's wrong?" he asked, slightly panicked.

"Relax, I have it under control."

"Having it under control would've been getting out safely," Tony deadpanned.

"Well, not everything goes as planned," Atlas said in a similar tone. "But all the benders are free. I made sure to tell them to get out as quickly as possible and help with the fight. Did you plant all the bombs?" Atlas asked him, giving him a quick update.

"They're set to go off in thirty minutes."

Though she couldn't feel it now, she knew that as soon as she merged with her body her stomach would twist into knots at the news. Atlas, Bucky and Steve had only thirty minutes to get out of the base. The hard part would be escaping whatever prison HYDRA had made for them. After that, Atlas could bend them out of the base.

"Where are you guys, let me come and get you," Tony said.

"No, Tony. The same thing that happened to us is gonna happen to you and whoever you bring, and Vision is too valuable out in the field. I have a feeling that the situation is gonna take a little more negotiation than anything, so please trust me on this, okay?" Atlas pleaded. She didn't want anyone else to get hurt in this fight.

Tony took a moment to contemplate. "...You have half an hour, then I'm sending in Vision." Atlas's astral form disappeared in front of Tony's eyes. Iron Man was quick to go back to the fight and inform the rest of the team what was happening.

Atlas flew back to the room where she was being kept in the HYDRA base. Her sleeping body was propped up against a wall in a circular room. She was the only one still asleep. Even if Atlas couldn't astral project, it still made sense because Steve and Bucky would recover quicker from the gas anyways because of the super soldier serum. Steve was seated beside Atlas with the same type of restraints, and his shield was being held by one of the guards. Bucky's situation was a little different; Bucky was seated in a large chair with large metal cuffs over his legs and biceps. The room was also scattered with guards, and one man wearing a suit. They were all looking Atlas's sleeping body, probably waiting for her to wake up before any type of conversation was to be made.

Atlas wanted to get everything overwith quickly, so she rushed back to her body to merge with it once more. She pretended to slowly wake up, though she was already fully awake. She looked up to the sight of at least a dozen different people looking at her.

Atlas | Avatar!OC x Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now