30 - The Elders

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Friday, July 3rd, 3:18 pm (Indochina time)

All the insomnia-driven sleepless nights that Atlas had been facing for the last three years really caught up to her last night. Something about the outdoors had made her feel at peace; it was the deepest and most dreamless sleep she had gotten in a long time.

As soon as she started to feel herself stir, Atlas's eyes shot open to the sight of rain. Heavy rain. Though she quickly realized that she wasn't wet at all. Atlas turned from her side onto her back to see a tarp set up above her, and a sticky note attached directly in front of Atlas's eye line.

Didn't wanna wake you up. You needed to sleep anyways. We're all on the ground. Take the path by the tree marked with the blue X. We're at the picnic benches.

Atlas could immediately tell that the handwriting was Buckys. She also knew no one else would think to leave her a note, and let her get in the extra hours of sleep that she struggled to get back home. She sat up in the hammock and did her best to get out. She pulled herself towards the tree to be met with a light drizzle of rain. And when she stabilized herself on the tree branch, she was hit with the actual force of the rain. Atlas jumped from the branch to the balcony of Bucky's room and got in as fast as she could. In the few moments in the rain, the top layers of Atlas's hair were already wet. The avatar threw on a sweatshirt and sweatpants and walked out of the room. She jumped over the wooden fence and softly landed on the ground. The dirt underneath her shoes was mushy with the rain, and the water started to pour onto Atlas as she spotted the tree with the blue X. The girl threw her large hood over her head and made her way to the picnic benches that she had visited in her astral form the night before.

As she walked down the path, Atlas got fed up with all the rain pouring down on her. She raised her hand above her head and concentrated on the water while she walked. She was able to create a bubble around herself; all the rain that was supposed to land on Atlas landed a few feet away from her instead.

When she emerged into the clearing, Atlas was met with a large tarp above the entire area, and there was no need for Atlas's waterbending anymore. The avengers were easy to spot; Natasha's fiery red hair and Bucky's shiny metal arm were hard to miss among the crowds of people occupying every single bench. She slowly made her way to her friends, but as she walked by, people started to stare at her - especially a lot of the kids.

"Hey," Atlas said as she approached Bucky from behind. She caught all of the Avenger's attention. Bucky shifted in his seat, making room for Atlas to sit down. The girl slid in between the end of the bench and Bucky, taking a seat with everyone else. Everyone greeted her, saying hi's and good mornings - even though it was the afternoon. "Do you know why everyone is staring?" Atlas asked Bucky, turning back at everyone to find a few people stealing glances at her.

"Akio told everyone that you're the avatar and apparently it's, like, kind of a big deal," Bucky said sarcastically, knowing that Atlas already knew that it was a big deal to everyone in the camp that Atlas was the avatar.

"Yeah, but I didn't think it would be like people staring at my every move and getting quiet when I walk by," Atlas said a little more quietly. "And is there anything to eat?" she asked, just realizing how hungry she was.

"Yeah, over there by the chairs," Bucky said, pointing at large bowls of food and a stack of plates. "And these people grew up learning that the avatar was the only person truly capable of keeping peace and resolving conflict - so I guess it's a big deal to them. Akio gave a whole speech about it this morning after announcing you were here."

Atlas stood up from the picnic bench, as did Bucky so that they could continue their conversation. They both walked over to the table full of food. "He told everyone I was here even though I was the only one that wasn't here when he announced it?" Atlas asked.

Atlas | Avatar!OC x Bucky BarnesWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu