2 - Eviction Notice

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Monday, May 4th, 8:15 pm

"Mr. Stark? Mr. Stark! Are you sure you tipped correctly?" Atlas chased down the man as he and Peter were about to walk out of Per Se's entrance.

"Yeah, kid. I'm sure. Trust me, you deserve it," Tony stated as Atlas stared at the receipt, looking at the three-hundred dollar tip she had just received for the two-hundred dollar - and very overpriced - meal. 

"Mr. Stark, I really can't take this much money," she complained. Although inside Atlas wasn't complaining, her conscience got the better of her.

"Would you like me to take it back?" Tony countered. Atlas stayed silent in response to his question, not actually knowing what to say. She knew it would be slightly rude if she just gave back the tip. "...Okay then. I guess that's settled. You keep the tip and I'll see you around," he said. The corners of his lips formed an awkward smile before he turned around and followed Peter through the door. Peter gave his friend a small wave goodbye before letting the heavy doors close.


10:36 pm

Atlas fished her keys from her jacket pocket as she approached her apartment door, but let them go as she noticed a piece of neon orange paper taped head level to her door. City Board Eviction Notice. Atlas couldn't do anything but roll her eyes as she grabbed the piece of paper, ripping it a little, and entered her apartment for what might be one of the last times. 

Atlas owed the landlord about double the money she was actually making, this had been going on for about a year and a half. Bottom line, she might actually be screwed. Atlas grabbed a bottle of vodka from her small liquor cabinet and sat on the single uncomfortable sofa in her living room - if that's what you could even call it.

"You know," Atlas jumped from her seat as a voice came from her bedroom. She ran to her closest bow staff, many of them being scattered throughout the apartment for this very reason. "Underage drinking is bad," the voice finished. Atlas was no less than surprised to see Tony Stark, who was the last person she'd expect, stepping out of hiding from her room. Atlas let down her guard - only a little.

"What are you doing here?" she asked in a defensive tone.

"Relax. I'm here to talk," Tony shrugged, pushing it off as if it was nothing, even though he snuck into her apartment unannounced and probably looked through most of her things - not that there was much to look through.

"What could we possibly have to talk about?"

"Oh, I don't know," Tony mockingly said, prompting himself for what he was about to say next. "That eviction notice that was on your door? The fact that you're Jack Yunshui's daughter? This?" Tony said as he tapped his watch a few times and up came a video of Atlas flying with her glider the previous night. Atlas silently cursed herself for making the mistake of taking a shorter and busier route home, one that was more likely to have security cameras, which clearly, it did. 

"You knew my father?" was all Atlas asked. She didn't even care about the fact that Tony may have found out her secret.

"Your dad was one of my closest friends," Tony said, his facial expression growing a bit sad. 

"That's interesting. I think I would remember if my dad had ever mentioned you in any of the conversations we had for the sixteen years I had with him."

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