24 - Retreat

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Friday, June 26th, 10:27 am

The sun shined through Bucky's small window and aimed directly at Atlas's face. The intense heat and light woke her up first. She buried her head in Bucky's neck to try and avoid the brightness beaming from the window, but her breath on Bucky's shoulder only woke him up too. He looked down at her in his arms; he had never been so happy to be woken up.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to wake you," Atlas said in a raspy morning voice.

"I don't mind," Bucky said softly, rubbing Atlas's back. The both of them were glad that they could sleep in the same bed and not feel pressured to have sex. For Atlas, going home with people had become a normal part of her life, she wanted to feel something with Bucky. And for Bucky, having Atlas here with him made him feel more relaxed, and the night terrors he usually had weren't as bad.

A thought occurred to Atlas, and she groaned in response to her own head. "What is it?" Bucky asked.

"We have to head back today," she said into Bucky's neck. The soldier's face turned down a little; it was nice for him to get away from the city for a bit and not have to worry about being seen.

"Why?" Bucky asked softly, trying not to sound sad.

"I have to work tonight," Atlas said. "And I don't have anything prepared, so I need to practice." Atlas left Bucky's arms and reached over for her phone on the small wooden night table. When she came back to Bucky, he grabbed her by the waist and pulled her towards him and hugged her even tighter than before. Atlas giggled as she fell onto Bucky's bare chest. "Bucky!" she said while laughing. He kissed her as she laid on top of him. Atlas almost forgot what she was going to do with her phone. She put one of her hands on the side of Bucky's face as he rolled the two of them over. His human hand slipped under her sweater and squeezed one of Atlas's hips as he used his metal arm to support his own weight. Atlas was the first to break the kiss; her phone was still in her hand and she needed to let Tony know they were coming back. When they parted, Atlas and Bucky looked deeply into each other's eyes. Atlas couldn't help but notice how bright Bucky's eyes were in the sunlight. She chuckled as he continued to stare at her. "I need to call Tony," she said quietly, showing Bucky her phone. The soldier sighed as he moved off of Atlas but still pulled her in to cuddle as she talked with Tony. Only one ring came through the phone before Tony picked up.

"Atlas?" she heard Tony's through the phone ask.

"Hey, Tony," she said in response.

"Hey, how are you guys up there? I haven't heard from you all week."

"We're heading back today, actually," Atlas said. She could practically hear him smirk through the phone.

"Why? Is your little getaway with the super-soldier not going as planned?" Tony asked. Bucky silently chuckled when he heard Tony murmur his question through the phone.

"I have to work tonight," Atlas corrected. "But we'll probably be back around three or four." Atlas looked up at Bucky to make sure he was okay with that time. He gave her a reassuring nod, agreeing with her decision.

"Good because I'm kinda tired of growing these tumours. I really don't understand how you don't find them annoying."

Atlas chuckled at Tony's comment. "I'll see you later, Tony." With that, Atlas hung up the phone.

"We should pack up," Bucky said as Atlas looked up at him.

"There's not a lot for us to pack. We can do that later," Atlas said, kissing Bucky on the cheek and hugging her arm around his torso.


3:40 pm

"Mr. Stark, it seems that Ms. Yunshui and Mr. Barnes are about to arrive," Vision said looking out the large glass window in the lounge. The mention of Bucky and Atlas caught everyone's attention. The Avengers looked out the window and saw two figures on gliders, flying towards the tower.

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