20 - Thank You

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Wednesday, June 17th, 4:43 pm

Atlas started to stir as the beeping sound of a heart monitor made its way into her ears. But as soon as she felt awake, she was hit with a pounding headache along with all of the muscles in her body feeling abnormally sore to the point where they were almost limp. The feeling reminded her of a hangover, but much worse.

She tried to blink open her eyes, but the sunlight shining in the room made her want to sit in the dark for the rest of her life. "What the hell happened?" She croaked out with a dry throat, keeping her eyes completely closed.

The new Avenger suddenly heard a bunch of movement in the room. She heard someone lightly close the door and she swore she heard the blinds move, so she tried to open her eyes again. This time, she was met with a dimly lit room with the blinds closed and with four familiar people placed around the room.

"Atlas?" Someone asked. "You're awake?" She recognized the voice as Steve's.

"No. I'm dying," Atlas deadpanned, starting to come into consciousness a bit more. Bucky, Steve, Wanda and Natasha were all in the room with her. Steve was hovering over her, checking to see if she was awake. Bucky was on the other side of her, sitting in a chair. And Nat and Wanda were the two rushing around to close the blinds and dim the lights.

Atlas took a deep breath, ready for the pain to hit her as she tried to prop herself upright; and just as she predicted, a pain struck her arms and abdomen as she made the move, but was somewhat relieved when the two super soldiers helped her up and when Bucky adjusted the pillows behind her back to help her stay up.

"I'll go tell Tony she's awake," Natasha said, leaving the room with the door behind her closed.

A few moments of silence went by before Atlas spoke. "...What happened?" she asked again, having almost no memory of the last twenty hours.

"You were drugged," Tony said, bursting into the room holding a tablet. Some of the memories from last night came back to her mind, particularly the one where Bucky caught her before she fainted. She looked over at Bucky, who was looking right at her.

"With what?" Atlas asked tiredly, taking off the heart rate monitor and other things stuck to her chest under her hospital gown.

"...I don't know."

"You don't know?"

"No, I don't. It was something similar to Rohypnol."

"You're saying she was roofied?" Natasha asked angrily - and rightfully so.

"Not exactly. We didn't know how this drug would affect your system, so I did a full workup. I think your powers allow you to have an enhanced anatomy; which would allow you to build muscle and absorb information quicker. And because of that, your metabolism is faster, which is why whatever you were drugged with didn't have the same effect on you as it would with a normal person. And I don't think whoever drugged you anticipated that."

"So I got lucky," Atlas assumed. Worst-case scenarios started to run through her head. Atlas could've been kidnapped and trapped with the other benders and potentially brainwashed. There was a possibility she could've been dead.

"Do you know who did this?" Steve asked from Atlas's other side.

"His name's Joel. I met him a while back, but I just thought it was a coincidence that he was here last night," Atlas said confidently. "I know where his apartment was, but he's probably long gone by now."

Atlas was almost positive she saw everyone's eyes in the room light up with fury - especially Bucky's. The look on Bucky's face was almost comparable to the Winter Soldier Atlas had seen on the news a while ago. It scared her a little.

Atlas | Avatar!OC x Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now