18 - Milestones

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Tuesday, June 16th, 3:30 pm

"Did you really flip the manager off?" Peter asked Atlas in a whisper as they waited for their names to be called. Atlas was in the back row and was going to be one of the last people to graduate (thanks to her last name), but thankfully she had Peter sitting in the chair directly in front of her.

"Yes. She was an absolute asshole," Atlas whispered back. Just a few days ago Atlas had quit her job at Per Se, knowing that there was going to be some state of stability in her future with the Avengers.

"Oh my god," Peter said, rolling his eyes in amusement. "Are you gonna quit your job at that piano place?" he asked.

"No, I actually like it there. I'm staying there for as long as I can."

"Oh, I gotta go up," Peter said as the student beside him started to make his way to the stage.

Atlas took a deep breath when she was left alone. High school made her feel younger. She wasn't completely ready to let go of high school because it meant that her childhood would actually be over, and she had to officially start being an adult. She looked back into the audience to find Tony and Wanda sitting in the back row and looking up at the students who were receiving their diplomas. Tony started to clap harder when Peter received his diploma and shook hands with the principal.

After almost one hundred more names were called, it was finally Atlas's turn to head towards the stage. She nervously got up from her seat and walked across the auditorium to the stairs. A small queue of students were waiting for their diplomas as well.

It was just thirty more seconds before Atlas's name was called. The statement "Atlas Yunshui. Honour roll. Biomedical Engineering at Columbia University" echoed through the auditorium. Atlas made her way up the few stairs onto the stage and started to walk across. She was greeted with a series of handshakes along with a plaque that meant she was an honours student. She then walked toward the principal, who shook her hand and moved the tassel on her graduation cap to the left side of her head. She looked into the audience to take a photo, but she started to laugh when she saw Wanda trying to drag up Tony from his seat. They were the only two who gave Atlas a standing ovation.

Something else at the back of the auditorium caught her attention. As Atlas posed for her photo, her gaze switched from the camera to Bucky as he quietly crept into the room, wearing the baseball cap that somehow hid him from the public. He clapped along with the rest of the audience as Atlas took her photo. She made eye contact with Bucky before he gave her a small wave with his gloved hand and raised both his hands above his head to clap for her. She and Bucky didn't stop looking at each other as she made her way down the stairs and back to her seat.

Only a few more names were called before Atlas found herself throwing her graduation cap up in the air and hugging Peter as they celebrated their new milestone. They both made their way to the back row where Tony, Wanda and Peter's Aunt May were sitting.

Peter hugged his aunt before she turned to Atlas. "Atlas, it's so nice to finally meet you!" May yelled above the commotion. Atlas took May's hand in a shake.

"You too!" Atlas yelled back with a smile. She jumped in surprise when she felt a hand clap on her shoulder.

"Good job, Atty! You did good!" Tony said in Atlas. "You too, Peter."

The airbender was overwhelmed with the attention she was getting from her friends. She then saw Wanda coming in for a hug. She firmly hugged her friend back as the witch sent her a message telepathically. He's one flight up in the stairwell. Good job, Atlas.

Atlas smiled at Wanda before thanking her. "Can you tell Tony I'll meet you guys back at the tower?"

"Of course. Congratulations," Wanda said before Atlas started to make her way through the crowd. Be back by five for the party, Wanda told her.

Atlas | Avatar!OC x Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now