Chapter 15

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"What Bingo?" Yoongi spokes.

"Aahhh!!" Rose yelp in surprise as he suddenly appeared behind her. "Yahh!! Don't scare me like that!!" She smacks his arms.

"I'm sorry, okay? Anyway. What bingo?" He asks.

"I found the way in. It up there." She points it out.

Yoongi looks where it is and rolls his eyes. "For a small waist like you, of course, can. While us? No."

"Who said it for you boys? Of course, you guys can't, stupid. Now, help me." Rose pats his shoulder.

"Help what?" He asks.

"Hold me and bring me up until it reaches that window," Rose explains to him with a sigh.

He just shrugs his shoulder and let her be on his shoulder. As he lifted her, the others come so suddenly.

"I heard someone here," Hoseok speaks.

"Ahhh!!" Rose yells in shock and almost falls from Yoongi shoulder but someone supports her from behind.

"Careful, baby." Jimin scolds her.

"Sorry." She giggles.

"Rose, are you sure you can fit?" Taehyung teases her. Jungkook let out a sound 'pfft' and slightly elbow him.

"Yah!! What did you say!?" Rose raises her voice.

"Tae was right. These past few days, you look...gained a weight." Jungkook joins teasing her.

"I'm not!!!" Rose yells.

"Yes, you are. I mean, I'm not complaining but you eating almost more than three plates of pasta and rice." Taehyung said. The two jerks holding their laughter.

That's it. Rose poke her inner cheek with her tongue and gripping on the window tightly.

"Yah, are you going to get in or not!?" Yoongi groaning in annoyance.

In the end...

"I almost in, Yoongi." Jennie spokes.

"COME HERE BOTH OF YOU!!!!" Rose yelling with Jennie's baseball bat in her hand, catching Taehyung and Jungkook.

The two guys running for their life. Jimin just let them be since they deserved it.

"Take a note, guys. Don't ever talk about girls' weight if you don't want to end up like that." Lisa speaks as she points at Rose who trying to kill those two.

"I don't know why it affects girls so hard.". Jin rolls his eyes.

"It sensitive," Jisoo smirks at him.

"I'm in!!" Jennie shouts and jumps off. She opens the door for them and let them in. "Rose!! You can continue it at home!! Don't worried!! I will help you!!"

She stops catches them and stomps in after give the baseball bat to Jennie. The two guys panting heavily while Jennie just chuckles.

The company looks creepy. It is so dark. They turn off their torchlight and light the way.

"I hate dark." Hoseok grumbling while clutching on Yoongi's shirt.

"I think we need to split up. Okay, who wants to go to the electronic room?" Namjoon asks.

"Us," Jin said as he pulls Jisoo waist. "Because of what? Because we went there before." He continues.

"Whatever. Turn on all the power-up. Then, stay there." Namjoon said. They nod and walk away.

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