Chapter 29

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  "I am not leaving you guys behind," Rhae re-stated firmly for the third time, pacing the length of the Small Council room.

  Niclas sighed heavily, hands placed on the back of the chair Annabel sat upon, while her own clasped together in her lap. Devron leaned against the wall by a window

Niclas sighs heavily, his hands resting on the back of the chair Annabel sits upon, her own hands clasped together in her lap. Devron leans against the wall by a window with crossed arms, his gaze fixed on the busy streets of King's Landing.

"The deal was for you to leave King's Landing," Cersei waves the hand her cup of wine is in, gesturing to Devron, Niclas and Annabel from the head of the table, "Not them."

Rhae raises her voice, "They're my family, Cersei, and if you were in my position, you would see to it that your family came along."

"I am not in your shoes, now am I, darling."

Rhae rolls her eyes at the Lannister's smirking tone and remark, continuing to pace at a faster speed. "Rhae—"

"No, Niclas!" Rhae stops in her tracks, spinning to face the aging man from the other head of the table that's vacant of Cersei, "I am not leaving you guys behind and I am not repeating myself again." She clenches her jaw, tone sharp and hard to make her decision known.

"This is not up for discussion," Cersei stated calmly, Rhae snapping her eyes in her direction.

The fury and anger she's kept at a bare-minimum for weeks finally bursts; she isn't having it. "No, Cersei, this isn't up for discussion!" Rhae slams her hands atop the table, icy blue eyes as cold as the North. "I meant that with as much respect—" she mocked with gritted teeth, "—as possible."

Cersei shoots the girl an amused smirk, green eyes remaining locked with the girl's hard eyes, "Your handmaiden is welcome to leave with you, but my dear uncle and bastard of a brother stay." She scoots the chair back, standing up, and walks to the other end of the table Rhae is impatiently stood at. Cersei sips the remaining contents, "Your ship leaves at dawn. Leave with it or never leave this city. Your choice," she demanded, set the empty cup down by Rhae's hands, and takes her exit in a calmly matter.

Rhae sighs heavily and opens her clenched fists, slamming her opened palms back down on the table that knocks the cup over. Joffrey said she was free to leave whenever she felt ready, but now Cersei is practically going against her son's words. She thought she would have time to conjure up a grand plan to get Sansa out of King's Landing, now the promise she made to herself is broken.

"Hitting the table isn't going to solve anything," Annabel piped from her seat quietly.

"Not now, Annie." Rhae snapped under her breath, moving her eyes from the table and to Niclas. "I'm not going to do it."

The man bites the inside of his cheek, "You should." Devron is the one who spoke, his gaze still fixed on the streets.

Rhae's eyes widen in disbelief as she snaps them to Devron, "What?"

"It isn't safe here," he said, glancing at the girl. "Niclas and I will manage."


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