23 | The Unexpected Compliment

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The twenty-fourth of November 1994 had the same level of zest as Halloween or Christmas. Only this zest wasn't easily patent. It was hidden in the whispers of students, the echoes in the castle walls, the jittery nerves of the Triwizard champions. Breakfast was a silent issue for not only those who were about to face their first task but also those who would attend the event. Lessons were to stop at midday, giving all the students time to get down to the dragons' enclosure — though of course, they didn't yet know what they would find there.

For those who did, it was dreadful to even think of how the upcoming event would progress, let alone calculate the probability of becoming toast that afternoon.

The only one burdened with this knowledge, and yet unbothered was Gemini. All she could imagine since the moment of her discovery was the intimate structure of the dragons' tough hides, their comparatively small, delicate eyes, and the way fire blossomed from their mouths like a fiery red flower. Each had its own uniqueness, each was equally commendable. It was formidable to even think that in a few hours' time, she would be present before the dragons again.

The day seemed to stretch on endlessly. Why were the clocks ticking so leisurely? Couldn't the sun pass quicker overhead? When did Charms become so agonising?

The four champions were experiencing an entirely different story. For them, time was behaving in a more peculiar fashion than ever, rushing past in great dollops, hurrying from number to number as if it were being chased by wolves. And before they could properly register anything they had done before lunch, they were being hastened down to the grounds. Where had the morning gone? The last of the dragon-free hours?

Post lunch, the rest of the students were led to the dragons' enclosure which was now surrounded by stands that had been magicked there. Everyone filed into the stands eagerly, the chaos almost unmanageable for the teachers. The atmosphere was electric, mysterious. The anticipation was nearly killing the spectators. Following a few moments of undulating stillness, a whistle blew somewhere. The next second Ludo Bagman came jogging up to the tower from where he was to perform his commentary. Then he pointed his wand at his throat and started:

"WELCOME! Welcome to ladies and gentlemen, guests, hosts, and ghosts alike! I cordially invite you to the very first task of the Triwizard Tournament!"

Somewhere amongst the sea of green and silver ties was Gemini, leaning over the fence with a casual elegance as everyone around her went wild. Unlike the Quidditch tournament, she knew who she would be cheering this time — the dragons. Lips curled lightly at the edge and eyes holding a very satisfied expression, she tried not to act like she knew exactly what was coming.

"The first challenge we pose for the champions is to collect a golden egg, for which they must each get past a great, lethal obstacle. So without further adieu, let me present to you — dragons!"

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