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"Peter I'm hungry" Deandra said. "I know me too. Have you ever hunted before?" I asked. "No." "Me neither but I feel like that's the only choice we have. First we have to find a area where we can build a fire." I was starving and I felt very weak. My body could give out at any second but I have to stay strong for her. I have to make sure she's taken care of before I help myself. We've been walking for quite some time, an hour or so. These woods are huge and it's nothing but trees surrounding us. Constantly walking on sticks, mud, fallen tree branches, leaves, grass and who knows what else. It's irritating. "You hear that?" I said stopping. "Wha-" "A river!" I said cutting her off. We both heard the water in a distance and followed the sound. Soon enough we were standing in front of a river. We were both dehydrated besides the starving. "I know it's not clean but it's all we got." I told her. She agreed. We both bent down and drunk the water out of our hands until our stomach felt like they were going to burst. "Better?" I asked checking up on her. "Yeah but it tastes disgusting." She responded. "We'll find food babe, this will hold us until then." God we're starving. I hope we find a camp site soon. I hate seeing her like this.

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