Let Me Go

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Why am I even here? I'm not crazy or anything, well they think I am, but I'm not. All they do is give me pills to make the voices in my head go away and watch me like a hawk. I know what you're thinking. If I can hear voices in my head that MUST mean that I'm crazy. Honestly that's not the case. See the voices help me, they tell me everything will be okay and that we're going to break out of this hell hole one day. I believe them. I can't live another month in this institution, locked in my room just starring at the wall. I have to go see my family who's waiting for me back at the house. It's been 4 years now since I've seen them, I keep asking myself why didn't they come get me yet. Are they on the doctors side? Do my family think I'm a lunatic too? Has everyone I loved turned against me? Ugh! These hand cuffs on my wrists are too tight. If I had my safety pens I wouldn't been in this mess but no, the doctors had to come and take them. They said it's not prohibited here and patients aren't allowed to have sharp objects or anything electronic. It feels like a fucking prison. "Get me the hell out of here!" I yelled in my room towards the concealed window, hoping someone heard me so they can take me back home. I'm Peter by the way. The journey has just begun. Damn the voices are back again.

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