The Road Ahead

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From what it looks like she doesn't seem heavy but after carrying her on my shoulder for seven miles I've learned otherwise. Everything is so quiet over here. No sight of any animals wandering the roads, just hawks flying over me and from tree to tree. Didn't they say hawks are bad luck or something? Or at least that's what they portray them to be? I don't know, I think all of this heat exhaustion and dehydration is finally getting to me. I've ate some berries off the trees and drunk river water along the way but I guess it's not enough. Wait I see headlights coming towards me. I walked into the woods and hid behind a tree until they passed, then carried on. The sun will set soon so I should continue to walk. I have three miles before I make it into my neighborhood and lay Deandra down to rest. It been the same thing ever since I started walking. Nothing but a long road ahead of me with trees on each side and aching pain on my shoulders from the weight of her body. I honestly can't believe I made it this far. You know just a week ago I was laying in my bed at the asylum, wondering when I'd be free again. When I'll be able to walk whenever and wherever I want. Eat whatever I want. I didn't mean walking ten miles and eating turtles and berries. I guess I should be careful of what I wish for. Or be more specific next time.

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