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I open my eyes from a long nap, the lights kinda blinded me, it was hard to keep them open at first but my vision got adjusted to the glares. They never turn the lights off, even when it's time to go to bed. It's pretty stupid if you ask me, just another way to torture us I guess. I'm still astounded by Roger and his story. I mean if I would've took the time to get to know him before the incident things would make more sense, referring to his actions. He can't control what he does sometimes just like me with the voices. It's a curse I swear it is but it's nothing I can do about it, the nurses can't do anything about it either. No matter how many shots and pills I take or psychiatrists I talk to, nothing and no one can fix me. I'm broken and damaged on the inside and it shows. I remember looking at myself in the mirror a couple weeks ago and I barely recognized who was staring back at me. My eyes where sunk in my face, I had bags underneath them, my skin looked pale and my hair had a couple grey streaks in them. But I liked my hair, it stayed in a Afro, curly and shiny. That's like the only thing positive I can say about that experience. I don't think I'm ugly it's just that ever since I've been placed here my features has changed drastically. I hate it.

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