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"Peter help!" Deandra yelled. I looked back and I saw the man that she kicked down, grab the knife from the floor and ran towards her. I picked up a heavy rock and charged after him. Deandra was still on the ground from when Bricen shoved her. I ran as fast as I could. My body is still aching, especially my ribs. It's hard to even move let alone run but I had to save her. He stood over her and pulled back with the knife in his hand then strikes down. I hit him upside the head knocking him onto the ground. I kept hitting him until I felt like it was enough. I looked at him and tossed the rock beside his deceased body. "Peter" She said in a weak tone. I saw the blood gushing from her stomach and leaking out the side of her mouth. My heart stopped. I laid her head on my lap and stared into her eyes. I began crying frantically. "I can't lose you, I can't lose you. Stay with me okay? Please!" I said sobbing. "It's okay babe. Everything's fine." She said softly. "Just promise me that you'll get back to your family safely okay?" She continued. "Don't say it like that. You're coming with me, you're going to be okay." I was in denial. I didn't want to believe it but deep down I knew that any second she'd be taken from me. "I love much" I said to her. "I love you too Peter" she said as she faded away. And so did half of me.

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