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"Put him over there" He demanded. The guy tied my hands then threw me in the dirt and left me there. My eyes could suddenly open now but my vision is still vague and I can move a little. My body hurts so bad. They must've beaten me while I was unconscious. "Sit up boy" A man said sitting me against a wooden post. "Hey!" He said kneeling down, lightly tapping my face to make me conscious. I looked at him but I barely can make out his face. I can tell that he was wearing a black suit and he has a long white beard. "What do you want from me?" I asked. He untied the cloth from around my mouth. "What do you want from me?" I said in a weak voice. "What do I want from you? Well...everything. See Peter, I was sent here to kill you from a good friend of mine. Anderson. I'm sure you know him, don't you?" He said sarcastically. "Anderson is dead." I said assuringly. "That's when you're wrong. He is very much alive. He was sent to the hospital last night after you and your little girlfriend had an altercation with him. He told me everything." He said. "Whatever he told you I'm sure it wasn't true. He's a lying son of a bitch!" I said. The man slapped me hard across the face. I can taste the blood that dripped from my mouth. I spit it in his face.

DamagedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora