Lash Out

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I closed my eyes inhaling and exhaling slowly. I'm back to normal. I've been getting even more bipolar here lately. It's not good. I always had it but it's never been this bad. Oh well, if this the way God wants me to behave then so be it, after all I'm his fucked up creation. I'm scheduled to see the Principal in just a few minutes. Hopefully she can tell me why I was sent here in the first place. I asked her numerous times but it was never a bold answer. She'd always beat around the bush. Once again...secretive. I hate that. I sat on my bed and waited for the guards to come in and take me to her. Out of no where I lost my train of thought. I went in and out of consciousness, feeling dizzy so I just decided to lay down. It's probably that damn food I'm forced to eat that's making me sick. Even though I've been here for four years I still can never get use to it. The door unlocked and two guards came in. "What happened to your wall?" The tall heavy set one asked me. What does it look like I fucking punched it! That's what I wanted to say. "I got mad" I said unsatisfied with my answer, and so was he by the look of his face. He shook his head at me. "We're gonna need maintenance in room 113, patient put a hole in the wall" the guard said speaking into his walkie talkie. "C'mon lets go see the Principal" the other guard said. They're angry at me but I can care less about them or this damn building, I just want to get out as soon as possible.

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