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As I make my way back to the house, I can see the rain clouds rolling back in. I've always heard that when it rains that means God is crying. I don't see how he can be crying after receiving the most beautiful angel. The ground is still wet from the storm from yesterday but its still warm outside. I don't know why I'm talking about the weather,  I guess to stop me from thinking about Deandra too much because I know I'll end up crying again. The voices aren't helping either,  they keep mocking me by laughing. Entertained by my pain and suffering. I should've took the pillow that I stuffed my of my meds with but I wasn't thinking clearly. My only concern was getting Deandra out of that building safely. I did. But it didn't last long, it's my fault she's gone. "Failure" the voices said. They're right though. I did fail. I failed her, I failed myself, I failed my family, I failed at life period. I'm worthless. I don't know if I should event go back to my family,  maybe they don't want to see me.

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